A TRUE LIFE STORY........ L£SSON TO aLL RUNS BABES.......READ - TopicsExpress


A TRUE LIFE STORY........ L£SSON TO aLL RUNS BABES.......READ ATTENTIVELY.. SHOLE: met kole @a reputable 9t club,based on the possession of which they both met...he expressed his heartfelt touching koles body..bet, KOLE:blatantly detested such act on her SHOLE:on koles refusal, shole wasnt freaked by such a relunctant attitude..he ordered 4 two bottled beerz in respective of himself & kole..in minutes after... KOLE:called the attention of the bar-tender &ordered as shole did..in the meanwhile shole got thrilled but stayed calm till they both done with the 2nd bottles.. SHOLE:called the 2nd time for additional bottles hoping kole might refuse taken more..as they proceeds on the 6th bottle, shole asked oop u did care 4 more..bet, to his un-expectant mode..kole responded with smiles round her dimple cheek...guess that shows a sign that she cares in taking more...shole mere tries to give it another shot..he laid his left palm on koles thigh..to his suprise kole responded 2 all the moves taken by shole.. KOLE:painstakingly changed the topic..dialogue with shole on an erotic PL movie she had just watched same evening b4 they both met @the club...on sholes account.. kole was vigorously tipsy &resovely turned on wanting shole so bad..she couldnt hold onto it...she told shole 2 pay for there meriment bill..cuz she needve rest.. SHOLE:irresistably make d payment..cost him #17k..as he was in a deep thought kole will embrace his spine by given it 2 him @the together 9t out... KOLE:got excited as shole makes the payment ..deep in her mind having a strong tenet that shole should be capable to give enough cash @his goodwill...as they both stood up,about leaving the spot .. KOLE:manages to stand firm..she pretendz she wasnt tipsy @all..meanwhile she had almost drank 2 stupor...for shole SHOLE.orientedly knew shes exhausted & heavily drunk.. KOLE:doesn,t wanna go back home cashless cuz she knew how much her collegue oughtve make 4 the 9t...regardless the personality she earlier formed..she turned being rude...she asked shole..how much are paying..?? SHOLE:wasnt realy confused,..he rather picked a pack of cigarett from his customised gucci tuxedo..he opened the cigarett & placed it b4 kole...she took a stick..shole lights her also an exquisite spark owned ..gimme shole got cuz he already knew koles excessive that theres no sprinkle of decency in her..cuz she put her personal input to embellished what has been putting b4 her as a test to run..& shole replied in a ghastly mode ..how much is your bill for HSC..(hotel service charge) but...2 kole KOLE:thought shole meant home service charge althrough the 9t...she responded.. in a scantily tune...na #40k i dey collect.. SHOLE:didnt hesitate ..,he spared his rod help guarded led her into his car..he drove off to his lodged presidential suite...but booked 4 another room with koles name..& they headed straight 2 the room he booked with her name.........The night was skepticaly juicy,rossy,there piece was studlessly executed plunged like a water melon & they both hive it consumed.....hmmmmahn... There combined team was so compact as they both communicated throughout the conjunction...there tazed sound was extremely clamoured like beez humming.....very early in the next morning.. Shole left checked out of the hotel room ofwhich the payment he makes the night b4 with koles name would lapse by 12pm....The payment was actually from koles purse ofwhich shole picked while @the club contained the sum of $3k & #35k...while checking out he headed straight 2 meet with the receptionist on sit..explained 2 him the appoinment he must catch up with &that kole will be doing the payment for the room if she exceeded the time she suppose to check out whenever shes awake Receptionist:asked on shole to wait cuz he must see to know if kole will be in position to do so...he checked on whose name is on there memorandom & confirmed it was koles name...he as well went straight to the room & met kole still in deep breath snoring...he went back to shole & wished him a safe journey...he also got tipped by shole..&was enthused.. SHOLE.left with koles purse ran-sacked & dropped it emptied beside her.... RECEPTIONIST:he hold on been watchful & stayed vigilant awaitz kole to come do the payment..&then the time was about 3:15pm... KOLE:wokens @exact 4pm..she headed in a haste to meet with the receptionist asking & interrogating of sholes departure...& it was explained the message shole had for her before he left......she got mad & almost thrown sardines into the sea..she flared up with the entire hotel officers,putting blame on why they shouldnt have allow shole left her behind without her conscience..but all the hotel management wantz is there money cuz the room was booked on her name....she boast of having more than enough to make 10th foldz of the payment...she majesticaly walkz back to the room accompanied & escorted behind her the 2 hotel guardz...unveiling her pursue all she could found is a piece of paper on it ..is written the lyricz by shole.... Ask me what was it...on the paper.... If u wanna know..... Scroll your phone joystick downwardz....& see what a message shole got for kole... ************** ************ *********** ********** ******** The lyricz wrote by shole....................... SEAN TISSLE SHOLE2ce ....KOLE........3ce She come dey form like say she lee So p££pz whatz your take, motives & contribution on this...?? Just drop::::KOLE OR OLE.... Kole:meanz she is not wise... Ole:meanz she is wise.... written by stallone.:::::::::::::.....:::::.::..:
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 12:49:39 +0000

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