A “Thank You” from a Veteran who received one of the - TopicsExpress


A “Thank You” from a Veteran who received one of the Stars! Hello, my name is Diana. I had served in The United States Army for a little over eight years. I am a very proud veteran and what my company did for its veterans this year was so heartwarming. This Veterans Day, my current Employer in West Virginia, came to each veteran that works there and personally shook each veterans hand and thanked us for our service and sacrifices. They had also given us an envelope. Inside the envelope was a thank you note that was signed by the department heads. It simply states, hand written mind you also, Thank you for your service, sacrifice and patriotism. Inside this thank you note also was a flag lapel pin and Your Star! Even though this was the smallest of gestures, it made me feel so much pride, patriotism and gratitude with the time that these department heads took out of their day to seek out and honor each veteran that works at the plant on all three shifts. Also this display for gratitude and thankfulness, made me cry. After they walked away, I went back to the card and took a second look at the card, the pin and the wonderful star that was in the note. I then at that time flipped the star over to see what the message said. As I read each word, I could feel once again the tears filling up my eyes, I was fully crying when I reached the words, You are not forgotten. Holding that star in my hand knowing that this came from one of our flags that had flown in the USA, there are no words that can honestly described what was swelling in my heart. I am honored to hold this star true to my heart because I also had known what Old Glory has sacrificed herself. She has flown over the USA but there were others that have flown over every military installation both on the home front and abroad. She has flown in every type of weather that Mother Nature has thrown at her. Her colors have stood fast, never bleeding or running. She is a true veteran as well. I am truly honored to have received this star and will forever be humbled and grateful to carry on a great part of one of our flags. Thank you doesnt seem to be enough, but I truly do not know what else to say. “Thank You” from the bottom of this veteran’s heart, and I thank God for all of the volunteers that have made this so special for our Veterans!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 23:53:56 +0000

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