A Thesis on the abuses against Salvation Doctrine by the very - TopicsExpress


A Thesis on the abuses against Salvation Doctrine by the very churches/denominations that proclaim Jesus: The following teaching is not aimed at any particular individual, and although there are *many* people who would identify themselves as one of the groups, and disagree with what I declare below...they are not to assume that I mean any personal variety of doctrinal beliefs. I make the following points off of the official doctrines of said sects, or at the very least, The very most common judgment made by that sect-as-a-whole. Example: A Catholic may not believe that works and sacraments are necessary for Salvation, but Catholic Doctrine specifically declares this to be true. Therefore, it is irrelevant if a person, who is a Catholic, disagrees with their own sects doctrines. I am trying to focus on the doctrines, not personal interests. There is a point to be made. 1) Christians are saved as long as they believe in the death, resurrection, and deity of Jesus, and that he is their means to salvation by atonement for their sin, and as long as they do not deny the same Mercy and Grace towards others that was given to them by God (upon which almost all of the following points are formed around, for the following denominations tend to violate that model). 2) Catholics are saved if they dont proclaim Protestants are not saved, and dont argue that other believers are not saved if they do not follow the catechism/orthodoxy/Sacraments. 3) Protestants are saved if they dont proclaim that Catholics are not saved, and dont argue that other believers are not saved if those others think following the catechism/orthodoxy is necessary for salvation. 4) Evangelicals and Reformers are saved if they dont proclaim that other believers believe in a different Jesus just because their doctrines are different and/or false. 5) Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses are saved if they follow the above points, and proclaim that Jesus is the physical manifestation of God in the flesh. 6) Universalists are saved if they proclaim that Jesus is the one and only true path to salvation. 7) Conservative Christians are saved if they dont proclaim that others need to conform and submit to their personal and/or local groups understanding of Christianity (and thus their interpretation that you can never screw up, and must stop being the way you are as a person) in order to be saved (aka...they need to be liberal minded in granting grace and mercy). 8 ) Liberal Christians are saved as long as they believe point 1. Catching the drift? A) The ones who deny (those of points 5 and 6) the crucial tenants of salvation doctrine (Point 1)....have had those crucial tenants named in the points above. B ) The ones who have the crucial tenants of salvation doctrine correct (That they all believe Point 1: Which are the types named in points 2,3,4,7, and 8 ) have issues where they judge and condemn other groups/sects of believers who believe Point 1 also...and thus are not saved if they judge others, for they are judged for judging others. Explanations: a) Catholic Doctrine teaches that works, the sacraments, and membership in good standing of the Catholic church are all necessary requirements to attain salvation. But Catholic Doctrine also teaches that they believe in the death, resurrection, and deity of Jesus, and that he is their means to salvation by atonement for their sins. Technically, all God uses for determining salvation, in the court of Spiritual Law (Justification), is that you believe point 1....and that you not judge others. So Catholic Doctrine, in essence, has added additional requirements to salvation than what God Himself has added. This is a grave doctrinal error, done mostly out of ignorance, spite, and greed to usurp authority over laity (the common man). But so long as a Catholic does not judge a non-Catholic to Hell on a personal level (aka...walk up to a Protestant and tell that particular individual they will go to Hell if they do not become Catholic)....then God is willing to be merciful to that Catholic, for Jesus sacrifice conquers all sins....including the sin of severe doctrinal errors...(for that Catholic has not judged others). b) Protestant/Evangelical/Reformed Theology teaches Point 1, without works, sacraments, nor membership being a requirement for salvation. This is better. But they have a tendency to argue that if someone disagrees with big doctrinal issues...that that person believes in a different Jesus (even though if you asked THAT person then they would respond with the same Jesus who died on a Cross 2,000 years ago and is the Word of God manifest in the flesh). That...is an accusation, if not an outright blaspheming of the Holy Spirit (if the Reformer/Protestant proclaims the individual to not be saved, even though that particular individual proclaims Point 1). This is just as bad of an outcome as the outcome for the Catholic who judges Protestants on an individual basis. c) Universalists, Mormons, and Jehovahs Witnesses do not believe Point 1...and therefore all is spoken that needs to be spoken already in the Points about them. d) Conservative Christians will often times proclaim Point 1....but then *naturally assume* that everybody believes exactly what *said Conservative Christian* believes, down to the minute detail...and is ready to pick a fight as soon as there is even a remote discrepancy in even minor doctrines or even cultural values. Example: Jesus saves us of ALL our sins, but you cant be a homo and be saved. Example 2: Jesus saves us of ALL our sins, but now you cant sin any more ever again or else you are not saved. Example 3: Jesus saves us of ALL our sins, except for whatever particular one I happen to really hate...which I am always conveniently able to conquer since I have no temptation for that sin, so it is too bad for you that you have that temptation, and thus you are not saved. All of these examples follow the same logical path to destruction as what the Catholic has, as described above....judging others to Hell for not conforming. e) Liberal Christians have a habit of telling others that their path/choice of belief to God will get them there, but believe (for themselves) that Jesus is the one way to God. This is deceptive. For one should declare, more accurately, that others opinions and beliefs will not help them to attain salvation...but yet they are free to believe what they want. It is one thing to acknowledge another persons Free Will in decision making. It is another thing to tell them that whatever they decide...it was right for them. Proclaiming this philosophy to others (under the justification of live-and-let-live) will not cause a liberal Christian to be unsaved (for the liberal Christian believes Point 1, and does not judge others)....but it *is* deceptive, and should not be done, as it harms others potential for reaching heaven if they should fail to recognize Jesus before their death. Gods Doctrine of Salvation is so simple: Believe in His Son, Jesus The Messiah, Savior of the world, whose pure and perfect lifes death atoned for sin, and whose resurrection brings life to those who believe in Him.....and do not deny the same opportunity of belief/Salvation towards others....and thou shalt be saved no matter how grave your sins, past, present, and future. Why do we feel the need to compel others to believe that there is more than this to attaining Salvation? Answers: 1) Control: Because each and every man in this world who becomes spiritual authority by becoming clergymen wants to be the new spiritual slavemaster over other men. As if it were a badge of honor. 2) Pride: Because each and every man in this world who believes in Jesus likes to think that the conclusions he has drawn....are indeed true. And to see another man believe something almost the same, but slightly different, automatically becomes an insult to the prideful one. Therefore, to pronounce his refusal to contend with other men and *their* doctrines...he flat out tells his congregation that the other man is so wrong that he is not saved. It is the best way to scare your own congregation into conforming back to your own view without having to justify your own view. Men who have not proven what they believe, and have Pride.....*MUST* use fear-tactics or else face losing the doctrinal battles, and thus losing ones own Pride, reputation, and following.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 02:38:58 +0000

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