A Time Of Compound Interest And Compound Harvest Charles and - TopicsExpress


A Time Of Compound Interest And Compound Harvest Charles and Brynn Shamp, Nashville, TN A Time and Place of Overshadowing We are living in one of the most significant hours in human history. There are so many clashes between light and darkness that at times it can be overwhelming, but I know that this will be a time where God can show Himself off like no other generation that has ever been. I say this because the advancement of technology has caused the ability to know what is taking place around the world with the click of a button. Often this ability has been used largely to spread news that only produces uncertainty and confusion about the future. (Photo via Pixabay) As a result we often hear that the world is growing darker and darker by the day. Some have felt almost smothered by the darkness and despair they are witnessing all around the world. Its not hard to see that many, by and large, have been in a place where they fear the future, but that is all about to change. The Bible clearly paints a picture of victory and triumph when we read the Scriptures. Isaiah 60:1 is one of those clear cut pictures of victory and assurance that things are going to be brighter for Gods people. I often quote this very passage to point out to people that where darkness and death are prevalent, there will be a people who will arise and shine to the brightness of Gods glory. Jesus entered His greatest ministry after He was betrayed and left to die by those closest to Him. Have you been hurt and betrayed this past year? Remember a cross always comes before a throne, and brokenness is simply preparation for multiplication. As I am writing this word, I feel preempted to stop and to decree and declare that 2015 will be a time for you to arise and shine! As you dive deep into Isaiah 60, you recognize it is prophetic declaration from the prophet of a generation who will walk in the fullness of the glory and see Gods goodness. There is, however, a point within this prophetic word where Isaiah becomes unaware of what he is witnessing. He is able to distinguish the people of God as they rose into the glory, but at some point something takes place within his prophetic decree that causes him to ask a question of sorts: Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? (Isaiah 60:8 KJV). There is a point where Isaiah can no longer distinguish the cloud of glory from the people of glory. He can no longer tell the difference between the dove of the Spirit and the people of the Spirit. A metamorphosis begins to transpire! The people of glory become one with His glory. I believe we are heading into this place in 2015. A metamorphosis into a place of continuous manifestations and a multiplication of miraculous moments! A place of overshadowing. The word overshadow is an English word meaning to cast a shadow over something. This word is taken from the Greek word epikaizo, which means a special manifestation of Gods power. The epikaizo talks about the possible fullness of Gods power manifesting into an impossible situation. (Photo via Pixabay) This word is interesting because it is taken from a combination of two Greek words: epi and kaizo. The word kaizo means to block something and has a similar meaning with the word shadow. The word shadow is basically described as the absence of light on a place because some object has blocked the light. And the word epi is the same as over. The word epikaizo, in all, is the manifestation of Gods power where the natural laws are cancelled out in obedience to God, who is a Spirit. The EPIKAIZO carries the eternal manifestation of Heaven that is revealed at a place or upon someone. This is what days of Heaven on earth truly look like. A place of multiplied miracles and heavenly harvest. That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth. Deuteronomy 11:21 KJV The Barren & Empty Fields Are Going To Produce Exponentially The year 2014 was full of revelation and breakthrough in so many areas of life. The days of breakdowns became times of breakthroughs. What we will see now is that 2015 is going to be the year of Compound Interest and Compound Harvest. The seeds youve sown out of your life this past year, and even going back into previous years where you have seen barren and empty fields, this year they are going to produce exponentially. While some have prophesied over the years that the ravens will sustain those that walk by the Word of the Lord, I believe that we are entering into a new season of supernatural abundance. The brooks are drying up and its time to move into a new place. What we must understand is that ravens are good for sustaining dry seasons, but when God is sending you an abundance, He sends the dove! (Photo via Pixabay) I decree and declare that in 2015 you are entering into abundance, overflow, and a fresh manifestation of the Spirit in your life. Even those who lived among the sheepfolds found treasures – doves with wings of silver and feathers of gold. Psalm 68:13 NLT ElijahList Prophetic Resources The Incubation in January and the Birthing in September The Lord spoke to me and said that this will be a year that the seers are coming into their multi-dimensional sight. A new realm of the prophetic will be birthed this year. In January, many prophetic people will enter into a season of incubation for greater manifestation. The Lord showed me that from January to September will be a time of preparation for what is going to be birthed toward the end of September after the final blood moon on the 28th of that month. Many have seen the blood moons as a sign of judgement, but both the Book of Joel and the Book of Acts interpret the moon turning to blood as a wonder in the heavens to reveal a greater power of God on the earth: The army of the Lord. This nine-month period will be a time for the conception and forming of a supernatural movement to be birthed into the earth. He said, This will be the beginning of the overshadowing! Much like what Mary encountered. There is something of supernatural significance being placed in the womb of the Prophets. What we will begin to understand in a great way in 2015 is that peace is the cradle that holds prophetic power. Its in the habitation of rest that revelation is revealed and released. The prophets are returning to Shiloh to give birth. (Photo via Pixabay) And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35 KJV And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh: for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. 1 Samuel 3:21 KJV There will be a birthing of a greater glory at the end of September. A place of unusual power will begin to flow toward the end of 2015 like we have never seen before. Many will begin to taste of the age to come. There will be a prophetic people that will begin to emerge toward the end of next year that will speak a wisdom that is not of this world. They will manifest a message from an age to come. They will transcend the system of the world and operate from a higher order of the supernatural. A Daniel company is coming! This will be a company of prophets who can discern our times with pinpoint accuracy. Some will be given high places to speak into earthly governments around the world. They will have a mandate from the Lord to administer justice and solve complex situations that human intellect cannot understand. And the king communed with them; and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm. Daniel 1:19-20 KJV In the not-so-distant future I believe we will not be looking back at the early Church with envy because of the great exploits of those days, but we will truly be saying, God is working wonders in our time that no eye has seen nor ear heard. This will be a time of dreams being fulfilled in peoples lives. If youve felt overlooked in the past, it will be a time for you to be overshadowed. Its time for you to face your fear and go out on a limb for your dreams. Thats where the fruit will be found. Charles and Brynn Shamp, President and Founders Destiny Encounters Email: charles@destinyencounters Website: destinyencounters
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:49:02 +0000

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