A Time Of Overflow And Multiplication Amy Shamp, Nashville, - TopicsExpress


A Time Of Overflow And Multiplication Amy Shamp, Nashville, TN From them will proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who celebrate; And I will multiply them and they will not be diminished; I will also honor them and they will not be insignificant. Jeremiah 30:19 As I was pondering the New Year and the promises that it holds, I asked the Lord to show me His blessings for the year 2015. Two nights later, I had a dream. Multiply, Multiply, Multiply! In the dream, I was walking along a sidewalk, holding three cups. Many times in the Bible, God confirmed His Word three times. Peter was given a vision of a sheet descending from Heaven three times; three is a number of confirmation. I held the cups high and spoke, three times, Multiply, multiply, multiply! As I finished speaking, I noticed two pearls laying on the ground. By faith, I picked them up and put them in my cup, rejoicing and believing that God was answering my prayer. As soon as I dropped them in the cup, two more pearls appeared out of thin air! I continued to pick the pearls up, and as they were dropped in the cup more appeared, and soon a huge pile of pearls, of all colors, were scattered on the ground. My cup was unable to hold them all! The cup literally was filled to overflowing! A crowd had gathered, seeing the miraculous appearance of the pearls. (Photo via Wikimedia) As I awoke, a feeling of immense joy filled my heart, and the Lord spoke to me saying, This is My banner over 2015. God is preparing us for a season of divine multiplication. In instances in the Word of God, pearls represent things of great value: finances, the Kingdom of God, and wisdom. I believe that we are entering a season of miraculous multiplication of seeds sown in finances, soul winning and evangelism, and seeds sown in prayer and in seeking the divine wisdom and anointing of God. God spoke to me and said, The key is giving thanks for the little, by faith. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to Heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward Heaven, and blessed them. Mark 6:41 Jesus gave thanks for the small meal that the boy presented to him, and the meal was multiplied into a great feast, and there was an overabundance of food left over! Hallelujah! Get ready for a season of celebration, followed by multiplication! ElijahList Prophetic Resources Your Cups Will Overflow Then He said, Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and youll get some! So they did, and they couldnt haul in the net because there were so many fish in it. John 21:6 What has been difficult for you before is going to become easy this year. God is preparing to bring increase to the areas in your life that you have sown into without results in the past. Though you may have cast your net countless times before, take the leap of faith that is going to produce exponential results in your life this year! (Photo via Wikimedia) ...and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10 I believe that this year God is gathering the seeds you have sown and preparing to release such an increase in your life that you will not feel prepared to receive it! You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5 Just as in the dream, God is preparing to anoint us in the oil of His presence and fill us to overflowing, before the eyes of the world! What a witness the divine increase will be to those looking on this year. I hear the Lord saying, Your cups will overflow, so much that the world will be astounded at the rate of divine increase and the value that it carries. Sit at the table of the Lord; celebrate with Him and give thanks for His goodness. The seeds you have sown in the past, you are about to reap. God is preparing to multiply them as Abrahams descendants were multiplied. The word of the Lord for this upcoming year is found in Hebrews 6:14: Saying, I WILL SURELY BLESS YOU, AND I WILL SURELY MULTIPLY YOU. Amy Shamp Spirit Word Ministries International
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:12:30 +0000

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