A Time To Rejoice For in the end of your limits and in the end - TopicsExpress


A Time To Rejoice For in the end of your limits and in the end of yourself you will learn to reach out to me. For the little strength you have deceives you, leading you to believe you have sufficient strength to accomplish things on your own. And many of the trials put before you have been initiated to help you come to your limits and realize you need help, and to realize you are not sufficient alone. For you will need the help of others and you will need my help in order to make your way and to accomplish the vision I’ve purposed within you. For some of you are strong, and you desire to do things without others, all by yourself. You desire to do things even without my help, or my cooperation. And so you pursue my plans without me. You pursue my tasks without me, and this is the deception. For in all these things we are to do all of them together. We are to accomplish all these things in cooperation. So though it is difficult, the trials and situations that cause you to face your limits are sent to you motivated by my kindness to help you to realize you are not all sufficient by yourself. These things will confront the pride and arrogance within your heart. They will also confront the reality of your weakness and your inability to accomplish and achieve without me. But be confident I am with you. In the times of hitting your limits do not be discouraged, but rejoice! Rejoice that the vision and the tasks I’ve given, though difficult and large, will not be given you without my cooperation too. So rejoice you are not alone in these things. Rejoice that we will do them all together. And in this fellowship you will grow by leaps and bounds. You will grow deeply and you will also grow quickly. Though painful and uncomfortable your growth will be glorious as you surrender to this truth. So rejoice as you face these hardships, and rejoice you have come to the knowledge that you, yourself, are not your own savior. Rejoice that I’ve made a way for you and for us in spite of all the obstacles, hindrances, and distractions and diversions. Rejoice in your failures and rejoice in the lessons learned. Rejoice in the humility these trials have helped to spawn. Rejoice in the truth you’ve acquired and have managed to keep and to share. In all these things rejoice!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 09:41:25 +0000

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