A Tribute to Americas Veterans November 11, 2013 Today, we stop - TopicsExpress


A Tribute to Americas Veterans November 11, 2013 Today, we stop to remember, honor, and celebrate the brave men and women who past and present have answered the call of duty to serve our great country. It’s those in uniform that make every American proud to be an American, that make this country the land of the free and home of the brave. It’s been said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself,” each and every veteran embody those words. To each of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’ve made your country proud. I’d also like to recognize the family members of veterans and active military – we know far too well that when one member joins, the whole family serves. I know being left behind to handle children, a job and a house is no easy task and I thank you for your strength, love and unwavering support – trust me, it makes a world of difference. Veterans To Remember: POWs Robbie Risner & Bud Day As a 29-year U.S. Air Force veteran and former Prisoner of War, I came to know some of the greatest patriots to ever live. I’d like to call us all to remember two great American heroes, dear friends, and fellow POWs we lost this year – Robbie Risner and George “Bud” Day. Robbie Risner, a much-decorated brigadier general, was one of the most celebrated pilots in the Air Force. He was an ace in the Korean War, shooting down eight Russian-built MiGs, and received the Silver Star for a daring midair maneuver to steer a fellow pilot to safety. During the Vietnam War, he led the first flight of Operation Rolling Thunder, a high-intensity aerial bombing of North Vietnam, for which he received the Air Force Cross and was featured on the cover of Time magazine. “Fear is a luxury one can’t afford,” he said in the Time story. But on Sept. 16, 1965, his luck ran out. During a raid over North Vietnam, his F-105 Thunderchief took enemy ground fire. He was forced to bail out, taken captive, and held for more than seven years in Hoa Lo prison, as we called it the “Hanoi Hilton.” One of my favorite stories of Robbie was when we were holding a church service in our prison cell, camp leaders forced Robbie out, held at gun point. Later, he declared how in that moment he felt nine feet tall and could go bear hunting with a switch. The statement of bravery resonated with all of us and is now remembered by a statue at the Air Force Academy dedicated in his honor – that is in fact, nine feet tall. George “Bud” Day is known by many as the Medal of Honor recipient or one of the most highly decorated veterans of the last century. He signed up for the reserves and was called up for duty in 1950 for Korea where he flew fighter jets. It’s no surprise that Bud decided to make a career out of the Air Force. He was a natural. On Aug. 26, 1967, while flying his 65th mission in his F-100 over Vietnam, Day took enemy fire, was captured, and joined us in the Hanoi Hilton. A moment I will never forget centers around that same church service with Robbie when we POWs in Room 7 decided to defy our captors and practice our faith. As armed guards broke it up and surrounded us, Bud pounced onto the poor excuse for a bed and belted out the national anthem and “God Bless America” – we all chimed in. For a fleeting time, we felt strong and faithful. It’s one of the greatest gifts he could have given us. Bud and Robbie are shining examples of everything that America stands for. Learning about one-of-a-kind patriots like these should be mandatory in each schoolroom in this country. They both made me a better American and America a better place. I sure do miss them, but I thank God everyday that such men lived. Lastly, let me share with you some words a fellow captive etched on a prison cell wall in Vietnam, words forever engrained on my memory – “Freedom has a taste to those who fight and almost die that the protected will never know.” God bless you and God bless America. Sincerely, SAM JOHNSON Member of Congress
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:39:59 +0000

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