A True Life and Death Story. - TopicsExpress


A True Life and Death Story. followgrandmapat/2011/06/true-life-death-story/ by PAT on JUNE 27, 2011 This weekend I heard a ‘back from the brink of death’ story that has just been happening in the last 3 weeks. It is a powerful story, and explains why I am so fanatical about every human being that I can connect with, learning about the Science of Glycobiology. This science helps us understand why a product like Ambrotose is one of the world’s most powerful foods. This is how Jeff Allen told the story to us. The daughter of someone he knows went into surgery related to her Thyroid and there was an accident where her Esophagus was sliced. Apparently it was not possible for the Surgeon to suture it back up. The patient ended up in a coma, with a Trach tube in place to breath, and on life support. The family was told that there was nothing more they could do medically to help her, and to prepare to let her go. Jeff said the mother argued that there was one thing they had not tried and that was to get Ambrotose into her daughters body. The Surgeon thought there was no value in this, but the mother was EXTREMELY INSISTANT so he reluctantly agreed. When the Doctor put the tube in at her mother’s request, they suspended all other medical treatment totally. She was taken off life support. Then apparently there was a misunderstanding of the Doctor’s instructions and the Nurses gave her 100 grams of Classic Ambrotose in 10 minutes in the first dose put through the tube. This is A LOT of Ambrotose. Basically they gave her the whole container. It was the best mistake ever made. Then they continued giving much higher than labelled doses every 4 hours. In 2 days she woke up from the coma, and 2 days later she was sitting up in bed. In the last 3 weeks NOT ONE medicine has gone into this girls body. As she started to respond, they added Mannatechs OsoLean for the extra protein and calcium value, and GlycoSlim meal replacement for the food content. They added AO for the antioxidant help and also Sport, opening the capsules and dumping the powders in the mixture. As I understand the rest of the story, since she was now awake and responding, the Doctor wanted to give her a shot of Enzymes to help with the fluid problem in her lungs. The mother said let’s just use Mannatech’s Gi Zyme, so that is what they did. Also to help the proper balance of good bacteria in the body they added the Gi Pro Balance powder as well. Everything in powder form went into the feeding tube. The ONLY thing that this girl has had go in her body is the food value of Mannatech’s supplements in the last 3 weeks. She did not even have the usual hospital Saline drip. The good news is her Esophagus has healed together! She is being released. The Doctors are a little surprised to say the least. Imagine nutrition making that much difference! It saved her life. What does that tell us about how we should be eating on a daily basis? This is such an exciting true story, and my reason for sharing this story is twofold. One is to make the point that the human body was designed by God to heal and repair itself. It is an amazing piece of machinery. My question for you is this? Are you connected to your Creator who gave you this amazing body, or are you ignoring him? He sent His son Jesus to help us, as humans, understand better who God is and how much He loves us. So I would like to encourage you to read the story of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible and get to know him. There is more to the body than just the cells. You want to feed the mind and the soul as well for real abundant health. Secondly I am sharing the story to help people understand that with the nutrition famine we have in our countries right now there is help out there. This girl’s mother was only insisting that they give her daughter plant based food. There is something special about Mannatechs Ambrotose. It is concentrated food made from the right plants that God put on earth to feed the body to make the cells structured right, so they can do the job they were designed to do. The Study of Glycobiology is a huge science where they are spending millions to understand the role of the biological sugars in our body. In January 2011, there was a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which shows that eating Ambrotose daily increases the Glycosylation, which is the making of these Glycoproteins. My non scientific, simple way of saying it is that they know that one of the jobs of Glycoproteins is how the cells communicate for our body’s healing and repair process that God designed. If you would like to see other studies on Ambrotose you can go to mannatechscience.org and look under Publications. Our regular fruits and veggies are running a little short of the goodness they used to have, and our bodies are so stressed with toxic build up, that I believe that extra help is needed by using good plant based supplements every day. If you want to do your own study on yourself to see what quality of life changes you get, Mannatech’s products have a 6 month money back satisfaction guarantee. You see, you can’t change 30, 40, 50 or 60 years of poor cell health in a month or two, so eating good nutrition for a 6 month trial makes more sense. Thank you for taking the time to read this true story. This family got this blessing because someone took the time to tell this girl’s mother about Ambrotose and I am sure she is so ever thankful that they did, and that she was willing to believe it. Her daughter’s life depended upon her believing the facts she heard about this evidence based nutritional product. So that is why I am telling you. Let’s keep passing the blessing along. Is there someone in your life that has been praying for an answer to their struggle for energy and vitality or maybe a major health challenge? Maybe you could bless them today by telling them that God designed the body to heal and repair itself and it does it way easier if we give it enough of the right nutritional support.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:28:38 +0000

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