A VERY FITTING RESPONSE TO SHOBHA DES ARTICLE APPEARED IN TIMES OF INDIA. I AGREE ENTIRELY WITH THE CITIZEN. DESERVES CIRCULATION.BALA MUKUNDAN DESERVES PRAISE. Bala Mukundhan Shobhaa De is a well known author. But that itself cannot give her the right to consider everything she says as a Gospel. These celebrities think that when they whisper, murmur or anyone whispers or murmurs against them then immediately the PM should condemn it as if the PM of the nation is their spokesperson. How idiotic and stupid it is to expect like this. Yes, Mr. Permual Murugan has been silenced because of the protests. I too condemn it, as this is not the way ones literary work should be condemned. But at the same time look at what did Mr Perumal Murugan write. He wrote that the ladies who have no children can copulate freely with anyone to have a child on a particular night of the local festival and the child born out of such copulation will be called Gods Child. Ok, if it is a fiction with out mentioning the period, the place and the group of people. But he says that this was well researched fact, happened in the town he lives viz., Thiruchengodu, during the 30s and 40s and was prevalent among a particular section of the society. He did not elaborate on the research he made and quoted any references for that. There are people who were born during that time or prior to that he mentioned in his book still alive and they do not subscribe to this practice. Even disallowing their views, if such practice existed, there are people who were born out of such acts described in the book still alive. Is Mr Perumal Murugan calling them bastards or Gods children? For arguments sake, if we are going to accept that such practices existed and done way by the society as they progressed in their social life, is it right to write about that in the name of freedom of expression? Suppose, if am going to write that there was literary festival in which all writers assemble and exchange thier views and works. On one of the days of the festival the writers of both the genders were mixing freely and not just exchange their ideas, works but also their physiological needs, will the writers community sit quite and cherish such writing? Writers have a social responsibility too. They should not write some garbage in the name of freedom of expression. But they should realise that like they have a freedom of expression to write what they want, they should also realise there is a freedom of expression for those opposing the writing and the writers cannot accuse them for exercising such right. If you write garbage, you will get garbage thrown at you. We have a system in place through Censor board for films to verify the contents before allowing for public consumption. Films are creative work. We have a review mechanism for broadcasting through Broadcasting Complaints Council of India. Broadcasting is a creative work. When a drama is to be staged the scripts are getting vetted by the local police authorities so that it will not have any adverse contents. Drama is creative form of work. We have to get permission for any public meeting and discourses and speeches are creative work. Even during elections the speeches are monitored and complaints can be made for any provcative speech. Electioneering is also an art. When we have checks and balances for all these work, why not the writers should have a voluntary body to control and censure the offensive writing. No, I am sure they will not accept that because they want to enjoy all the freedom that exist in the world, but no one should oppose them or criticise them. For they are a class above the rest. For they are intelligent breed and the rest are stupid only to consume what they dish out. For they create the immortal work for the mortal class like us. The funniest thing is that on 15th Jan there was a debate in TimesNow on this issue. There were 8 panelists and one 1 ANCHOR ( you know who it wss) of which one was a publisher of the book. All are debating about the book, but none, except the publisher have ever read the book in its original form or the English transalation, they have come to talk on a national channel holding brief for the Freedom of expression. Those who have listened to that debate would know how farce it was and how idiotic to defend the writing without even knowing what was written. this author Shobhaa De was one among them. The spotlight mongers. Like · Reply · 10 · 22 hrs 2 Replies
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 03:22:17 +0000

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