A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE LORD REGARDING THE GREAT TRIBULATION AND THE RETURN OF CHRIST WITHOUT DATE OF PREDICTION WHICH YOU MAY SHARE IT WITH YOUR LOVED ONES, FRIENDS, FAMILIES AND OTHERS ACROSS THE WORLD. GREAT TRIBULATION IS BEING MITIGATED THROUGH PRAYER August 18, 2011 @ 8:45 pm My daughter, those followers of Mine, who are well-read in matters of Holy Scripture, tend to get carried away with their own human interpretation, so that the lesson I have preached to love one another is so easily forgotten. Love one another. Honour your mother and father. Honour your Creator, God the Father, and live as I have told you in love and fear of My Father. So many learned men, caught up in their analysis of My Teachings, forget one thing. That is, when I will come again to Judge. Never for one moment do they consider that this time may well happen in their own lifetime and not in the distant future. Why then do they search and continue to search for further meanings in Holy Scripture when the Truth is so simple? Why do they not remember that love is all I ask? Love for Me, your Saviour. Love for God the Father and love for each other. For those intellectual experts who proclaim to be able to analyse My Teachings and then go as far as attempting to predict a date for when I will come again, I say this. If you try to assume that you have been able to discern the year for My return, then you are sadly mistaken. No one will be given this date, not even the angels in Heaven or My beloved Mother. But this I can reveal. The Tribulation started some time ago. The Great Tribulation will begin at the end of 2012. This terrible period is being mitigated through the prayers of My dearly beloved followers. It will also be diluted through the conversion achieved after The Warning takes place. This event is good news, My children. It is to help eradicate the slavery by man to the evil one. Religious experts display an arrogance, which I find repulsive Many, sadly, will ignore My pleas to prepare, so caught up are they in this so-called intellectual religious debate, based on human reasoning, one trying to outdo the other to prove that he or she is more knowledgeable. These experts display an arrogance, which I find repulsive. They are no better than the Pharisees were. Their ignorance blocks out the Truth when it is presented before their very eyes. My Word is being ignored by My sacred servants My Word has fallen on deaf ears. My Word is ignored by My sacred servants, as I attempt to communicate with them at this point in history. Yet, after The Warning there will be no excuse for them not to sit up and listen to My instructions. For then they will hold out their arms pleading with Me to guide them through the Great Chastisement. For when this prophecy is unveiled to those who doubt My Word, through this messenger, I urge you then to take up My Sacred Cup, drink from it and fight to save souls. I urge all of you, including those self-proclaimed scriptural experts, to sit down in humility and ask this question. Why would I encourage simple believers to become embroiled in an argument over My return to Earth? All that matters now is that I Am coming. Be prepared at all times. Never judge others in My Name. Seek out thegift of humility at all costs for it will be your passport to Heaven. Your beloved Saviour Jesus Christ thewarningsecondcoming/the-great-tribulatio…/ 1.SPECIAL PRAYER: To give you the Wisdom and Revelation of God to understand His Divine Messages. “I come before You, confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages. Forgive me if I have wronged You. Forgive me if I cannot hear You. Open my eyes, so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand. I implore You to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth. I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt. Help me to respond to Your call. Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart. Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, I can help You to salvage souls, so precious to Your Sacred Heart. Amen.” 2.LINKS OF THE BOOK OF TRUTH: Special Note: You may read the original daily revelations regarding the Warning Messages which has been read and searched by approximately 46 millions people through the internet website: thewarningsecondcoming. The Book of Truth of His Teachings and the End Time Prophecy is revealed through His Prophet, Maria Divine Mercy to all mankind to prepare God’s All Children from every nation around the world and to get ready for the soon Glorious Day on the Return of Jesus Christ which have been released for almost 4 years from the Lord Jesus beginning from Number:1 dd. Nov 8, 2010 up to Number: 1273 dd. Nov 24, 2014 through the following links: 1. thewarningsecondcoming/messages/all-messages 2.Thewarningsecondcoming/messages/messages-by-volume 3.Thewarninghsecodcoming/videos-messages/
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 03:28:35 +0000

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