A VERY INTERESTING EMAIL I RECEIVED AND HAD TO SHARE. I have read a lot in the newspapers and have heard a lot spoken about Jack Warner and the fact that he has not been convicted of anything so how can we condemn him. I say to those who say this, how do you view the village fowl thief, who had never gone to jail but the villagers knows he steals their chickens and sells them. What about the local piper who will steal your clothes from the line or your gas tank from the backyard and who has got licks many times from people who have caught him. Well he has never been locked up so I guess these 2 would qualify to run for office too. But in any event my purpose to write here is to enlighten people about this Jack Warner character. I happen to have a unique perspective to bring to this argument. You see I am a nobody, just a stupid Indian as they say but fortunately for me my uncle worked with the contracting firm of Lutchmeesingh Contractors for donkey years now, and him and the Managing Director Parry Lutchmeesingh were literally hand in glove. When I got out of UWI and was finding a hard time to get a job, my uncle arranged a job for me at Lutchmeesingh Contractors Ltd. They called me the expeditor. In short, because I was in the close circle of the boss I was the man that handled the bribes and kick backs, for want of a better term. You heard me right. This job I started just around when the PNM came into power and people such as Franklyn Khan and his wife, Colm Imbert and his wife and some CEO’s and Suprentidents at the County Councils became very good friends with me. Just to let those who don’t know. I still have home phone numbers, so maybe they can explain how come I do? A contractor getting a contract is only one part of the whole corruption/bribe/kickback scenario. Once you submit your claim you need to get paid quickly. Here is where knowing the Minister can mean you get paid in a day rather than a year. Once the contractor got the contract, I would be the one liaising with the government checker to collect dockets, then go back to the office, prepare the claim, go to the Ministry or other government office, submit it through the regular route, then make a call to the Minister who in turn would call the accountant to fast track the claim through accounts and have a check cut and VOILA! You are paid! Sometimes the same day. I collected the check, took it back to the office. They made up the deposit and gave me another check to cash which I would cash and then take in a nice envelope to those receiving their pay off. They prefered U.S. and Pound Sterling since the envelopes were much more compact! There are also other ways in which the claims were over inflated with imaginary costs which were signed off by people in the feeding trough but that explanation would be too long to put here. Franklyn got, his wife got, Colm got and his wife got. The head of P.U.R.E. Hayden Philipp got a lot too. When the P.P. government came into power, I thought things would change, I know Jack Warner was advised of what Hayden Philipp was doing but he ignored it and did everything in his power to keep P.U.R.E. alive. Jack Warner came into the Ministry of Works and did no differently than Frankly Khan or Colm Imbert. With the high spate of crime in Trinidad I have decided to migrate to the USA and have now decided to come out with what I know. I am smart enough to have kept all of my phone records of my post paid phone, so the evidence is very obvious in calls to all of the aforementioned. I don’t know how Jack Warner will explain the lengthy calls and meetings we had. As I said I am a nobody. I worked with both Lutchmeesing and Junior Sammy are they are the two main contractors I did all the wheeling and dealing for since the owners are related for those who don’t know. You will note they got hefty contract from the Min of Works, and in some cases under questionable circumstances. I was also smart enough to have photos taken with theses individuals and in some instances when they are receiving some very thick envelopes. Meetings with said individuals, especially at Jenny’s are also recorded on video and photo print. There were also nice trips paid for by the contractors. Anyone can check the mansion Hayden Phillip is building in Gulf View, supposedly on an engineers salary. My first inclination has been to go to the F.B.I. in the U.S.A. I know how TT police works so let it be started in the U.S.A. and it already has as most of you already know. The information will also make its way to the TTPS. I would like anyone who wants to challenge me on my evidence that Jack Warner is not crooked. I know first hand he is. And for those who would like to know it is usually 10% he got so go figure on the multi billion dollar Pt. Hiway. 50% on the Fire Truck Fiasco. So we know how he is financing his election and party endeavor. The people of Chaguanas West should also realize that although Jack Warner does a lot in the community, the money is dirty money. I can not comment on anything relating to F.I.F.A. and those other matters but I can state for a fact that Jack Warner received hundreds of millions of dollars in kick backs during his stint at the Ministry of National Security. People should not be deceived to believe Jack Warner is a saint. I am not here to pass judgement, thats the readers choice. I put out the information, you do with it what you like. My information does not only incriminate JackWarner but also the past Ministers and a lot of other senior government people. For those who want to know more. I am happy to share it with you.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 08:08:25 +0000

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