A VIOLENT yob who left his ex-girlfriend nursing a fractured skull - TopicsExpress


A VIOLENT yob who left his ex-girlfriend nursing a fractured skull after kicking her in the head “like a footballer taking a penalty” has been caged for five years. A court heard how Callan Redshaw stamped on his ex-partner’s head before repeatedly kicking her and leaving her lying motionless “like a ragdoll” after she confronted him in the street and ridiculed the size of his manhood. Thug Redshaw was jailed for five years yesterday for the shocking attack on Kirsty Robinson, who he has a child with. Miss Robinson suffered two fractures in her head and bleeding in her brain after the brutal beating, Teesside Crown Court was told. The region’s top judge said Redshaw, 19, could have killed her after he attacked her when she was defenceless after she had been drinking heavily. The attack was witnessed by a shocked woman who had come out of a Chinese restaurant nearby. Describing what the witness saw, Sue Jacobs, prosecuting, said: “She said he pushed her really hard and started to kick her.” Miss Robinson fell to the ground “like a sack of potatoes” after Redshaw kicked her legs from underneath her. Miss Jacobs added: “He started to kick her by running up like a footballer taking a penalty, taking his leg right back and really booting her. They were the witness’s words. “He did this about four or five times in her back. “She described the victim as being like a rag doll, and said it looked like she was unconscious. “Then she said he stamped on her head. His left foot was coming off the floor to put his full weight on his right foot, and she said her head was bouncing. “The witness was shocked and mortified and he did that two or three times. “After that he walked away. The girl was still lying there not moving.” The court heard how Miss Robinson and Redshaw, who have a one-year-old daughter, split up at the start of last year. After dropping the baby off at Redshaw’s parents for the weekend, Miss Robinson went out drinking in Hartlepool with friends. Her sister was asked to collect her later and went to drive her home. But on the way Miss Robinson saw Redshaw outside a shop and she got out to speak to him. An argument developed and Miss Robinson was heard to shout “you can give me a baby but you won’t pay for the keep” before the attack started. Miss Robinson was taken to the University Hospital of North Tees, in Stockton, where a CT scan confirmed she had a fractured skull and cheekbone and some bleeding in her brain. Luckily, she did not need any surgery and was released after two days. In a victim statement she said: “This incident has left me totally devastated and feeling very emotional.” Redshaw, of Oxford Street, Hartlepool, admitted grievous bodily harm with intent on May 12 last year. Ian Mullarkey, mitigating, said: “I wish to express on behalf of the defendant his regret and remorse for his shameful behaviour during the course of this incident. “He realises what he did was totally unacceptable. “This is by far the most serious offence he has committed.” In sentencing, the Recorder of Middlesbrough, Judge Simon Bourne-Arton QC, said: “You have obviously got a temper. “On the night of this your ex-partner was clearly drunk. She was therefore vulnerable because a drunk woman can’t handle herself in any way, and you knew she was essentially helplessly drunk. “Worst of all you stamped on her head. That can very often result in very serious injury, if not death, and it will not be overlooked. “Anyone who takes a shod foot to anybody, particularly a female, can only receive a substantial period of imprisonment.”
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 08:37:23 +0000

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