A Valid Cry For Help!!! Talia Spencer Hiiii!!! Please, please, - TopicsExpress


A Valid Cry For Help!!! Talia Spencer Hiiii!!! Please, please, please help me! I’m trying to get my dog back and I was wondering if you could share our story on your page? The full story is on the link below but Ill give you a short version. My mom and her ex got a divorce and the dog was his so he took her. Just recently she was found on the streets literally skin and bones. My moms # was on her chip so she went down to go get her but first the rescue group that had her took like a little interview thing. After finding out that we gave (he took her because he wanted her and we couldnt fight that) the dog back they think we will give her back to my mothers ex which will never in a million years happen. Anyways they wont give her back and they are lying on their page saying that my mom said if they could find a good home for the dog then she was all for it. What my mom really said was if you can find a BETTER home than what we already have for her (3 acres, loving family who she already knows, a companion who she already knows and loves like a brother even tho she is old enough to be the mother) . She also only cares about fb followers because they are her financial support.... Please please please share this. I really really want her back please help me. https://facebook/helpTrina Talia Spencer Heres the group that has Trina now. Everything that says Angie is really our dog Trina https://facebook/ABANDONEDDOGSEVERGLADES 100+ Abandoned dogs of Everglades Florida Please Donate so we can continue A 501c3 Org Community: 82,470 like this Talia Spencer One of the frustrating parts is we did not do this to her. It was not our fault that she was left on the streets. If we had her this would have never happened but unfortunately that is not the case. We also have rehabilitated other animals including the dog I have now who was under weight, had demodex mange, was completely untrained. He is now a healthy weight, has all his hair back, is house trained, knows basic commands and I even taught him hand signals. My mom just fixed up a horse who had feet problems, was under weight, only knew signals for racetrack riding and only shared a home with 1 other horse. Now his hooves are better, hes still gaining weight but is 10 times better than before, shares a pasture with 15-20 other horses, and is learning Western riding signals very quickly. Reunite Trina aka Angie with her Family Please make sure to leave comments on 100+ Abandoned dogs of Everglades Florida Facebook page regarding Angie. It seems they make their decisions based off random people who make comments without knowing the full story. We would greatly appreciate any positive comments from those that know the family and the real situation. Thank you!!!! Paw Man I note that on their opening page they have ‘Rescue, Revive & Rehome’ It appears to me that they don’t actually do the re-home option if they can make that simple act pale into insignificance by telling a few untruths and making themselves look better for it. Why am I not surprised that I don’t see the word ‘Ethical’ anywhere on their page? Why am I also not surprised to see a link to donate funds to their ‘cause’. Sorry folks but I get really annoyed when organisations like this sensationalise events and deceive their page followers in order to garner sympathy and money. In my thinking anyone who is this deceptive about the facts of a matter like this would make me think twice about where any donated money would actually go…. After all deception in one area generally means deception in others as well. Other questions that also spring to mind is why they have tried to rename the dog. The moment the microchip was read they had the dogs registered name. The only possible reason that I can see them changing the dog’s name is to hide their actions…. and if you are doing what is right and what is ethical then why would you want to do that? I would ask that any of my page followers who are as outraged by this as I am make their feelings known by placing a comment on the FB page below https://facebook/ABANDONEDDOGSEVERGLADES I have given them a comment that I feel is appropriate for their conduct. (See below) I’m also happy to hear your comments here. https://facebook/video.php?v=691007250980154&set=vb.171800626234155&type=2&theater Grant Teeboon How dare you mislead the public to garner support for your so called rescue organisation. And how dare you re-home a dog when the dog’s lawful and loving owner wants it back. The owner at NO stage agreed to allow you to find her dog a home. At all stages the owner made it very clear that she wanted the dog back in her caring loving home. The dog was caught up in a custody battle between husband and wife. The husband took the dog and had no further contact with his wife. It turns out that the husband ended up living in his car on the streets and that is why the dog became emaciated. As soon as the dog came to the attention of the authorities they contacted the wife (whose details were listed on the dogs microchip) and she attended to retrieve the dog that her husband can no longer care for. To then be told by your organisation that she cannot have how own dog returned to her because you have concerns for its welfare makes your so-called Rescue organisation seem less than decent or ethical. Your deceptive conduct makes me question the very ethics that you run your so-called Rescue organisation by. I will be highlighting this story on my Facebook page that has 44,000 followers and I will ensure that your actions and your organisation and its conduct are brought to their attention. You seemed to boast about your 80-90 comments that were based on your lies about this dog and her owner. Lets see how many comments your organisation gets when the real story about the dog and its owner is known and your deceptive conduct becomes known to those you have deceived. Based on past experience the local media organisations will be quick to jump on board.... they love a good story about so-called charitable organisations being anything but charitable. Your own deceptive conduct has already been published by video on your page and the dogs owner already has the real story on their page...... so lets let the public decide. Regards, Grant The Paw Man Teeboon Retired Police Dog Handler, 33 yrs service.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:31:17 +0000

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