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A Veteran and/or have a family and/or have grandchildren? Wondering who to vote for in November? The $1.1 trillion spending bill passed the Senate on Friday with a vote of 72-26. All 26 votes against the bill came from Republicans while 17 so-called Republicans voted in support of the bill that increased government spending. A vote to pass the bill is a slap in the face of Veterans because it resulted in a decrease in promised pensions; also, a vote to pass the bill increases the National Debt to a historical high above $18 Trillion which endangers our children and grandchildren. These people deserve to be replaced on their next election cycle for shortchanging our veterans and our heirs. Conversely, a vote against the bill represents those who are most concerned about broken promises to our vets and the debt that will be passed to our children and grandchildren. These people deserve, and should get, our support at the ballot box for trying to contain runaway government spending and trying to make our government live up to the promises made to our vets. The following is a list of Republicans and how they voted. Sens. Saxby Chambliss (Ga.) (retiring and not running for reelection in 2014) and Tom Coburn (Okla.) (retiring and not running in November, 2014) did not vote. Remember: ALL representatives are presumed running for reelection in 2014 except as noted! The 17 Senate Republicans who voted to pass the bill (vote to REPLACE these people): 1. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) (up for reelection in 2014) 2. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) 3. Roy Blunt (Mo.) 4. John Boozman (Ark.) 5. Dan Coats (In.) 6. Thad Cochran (Miss.) (up for reelection in 2014) 7. Susan Collins (Maine) (up for reelection in 2014) 8. Mark Kirk (Ill.) 9. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) (up for reelection in 2014) 10. Orrin Hatch (Utah) 11. John Hoeven (N.D.) 12. Johnny Isakson (Ga.) 13. Jerry Moran (Kan.) 14. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) 15. Richard Shelby (Ala.) 16. David Vitter (La.) 17. Roger Wicker (Miss.) The 26 Senate Republicans who voted against the bill (vote FOR these people): 1. John Barrasso (Wyo.) 2. Richard Burr (N.C.) 3. Bob Corker (Tenn.) 4. John Cornyn (Texas) (up for reelection in 2014) 5. Mike Crapo (Idaho) 6. Ted Cruz (Texas) 7. Mike Enzi (Wyo.) (up for reelection in 2014) 8. Deb Fischer (Neb.) 9. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) 10. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) 11. Dean Heller (Nev.) 12. James Inhofe (Okla.) (up for reelection in 2014) 13. Mike Johanns (Neb.) (retiring and not running in 2014) 14. Ron Johnson (Wis.) 15. Mike Lee (Utah) 16. John McCain (Ariz.) 17. Mitch McConnell (Ky.) (up for reelection in 2014) 18. Rand Paul (Ky.) 19. Rob Portman (Ohio) 20. Jim Risch (Idaho) (up for reelection in 2014) 21. Pat Roberts (Kan.) (up for reelection in 2014) 22. Marco Rubio (Fla.) 23. Tim Scott (S.C.) (appointed in 2013 and running in 2014 to finish 2017 term) 24. Jeff Sessions (Ala.) (up for reelection in 2014) 25. John Thune (S.D.) 26. Pat Toomey (Pa.) Senate votes tally Courtesy of The Blaze The House of Representatives had previously passed the bill that was then sent to the Senate. 166 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted to pass the bill (vote to REPLACE these people): Aderholt (AL) Amodei (NV) Bachus (AL) (retiring and not running in 2014) Barletta (PA) Barr (KY) Benishek (MI) Bilirakis (FL) Bishop (UT) Black (TN) Blackburn (TN) Boehner (OH) Boustany (LA) Brady (TX) Brooks (IN) Bucshon (IN) Calvert (CA) Camp (MI) Campbell (CA) (retiring and not running in 2014) Cantor (VA) Capito (WV) (running for Senate in 2014) Carter (TX) Cassidy (LA) (running for Senate in 2014) Chaffetz (UT) Coble (NC) (retiring and not running in 2014) Cole (OK) Collins (GA) Collins (NY) Conaway (TX) Cook (CA) Cramer (ND) Crenshaw (FL) Culberson (TX) Davis, Rodney (IL) Denham (CA) Dent (PA) Diaz-Balart (FL) Duffy (WI) Ellmers (NC) Farenthold (TX) Fincher (TN) Fitzpatrick (PA) Fleischmann (TN) Fleming (LA) Flores (TX) Forbes (VA) Fortenberry (NE) Foxx (NC) Frelinghuysen (NJ) Gerlach (PA) (retiring and not running in 2014) Gibbs (OH) Gibson (NY) Goodlatte (VA) Gowdy (SC) Granger (TX) Graves (GA) Graves (MO) Griffin (AR) (retiring and not running in 2014) Griffith (VA) Grimm (NY) Guthrie (LA) Hanna (NY) Harper (MS) Harris (MD) Hartzler (MO) Hastings (WA) Heck (NV) Hensarling (TX) Herrera Beutler (WA) Hudson (NC) Huizenga (MI) Hultgren (IL) Hunter (CA) Hurt (VA) Issa (CA) Jenkins (KS) Johnson (OH) Joyce (OH) Kelly (PA) King (NY) Kinzinger (IL) Kline (MN) Lance (NJ) Latham (IA) (retiring and not running in 2014) Latta (OH) LoBiondo (NJ) Lucas (OK) Luetkemeyer (MO) Marino (PA) McAllister (LA) McCarthy (CA) McCaul (TX) McHenry (NC) McKeon (CA) (retiring and not running in 2014) McKinley (WV) McMorris Rodgers (WA) Meehan (PA) Messer (IN) Mica (FL) Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller, Gary (CA) Mulvaney (SC) Murphy (PA) Noem (SD) Nunes (CA) Nunnelee (MS) Olson (TX) Palazzo (MS) Paulsen (MN) Perry (PA) Pittenger (NC) Pitts (PA) Price (GA) Radel (FL) Reed (NY) Reichert (WA) Renacci (OH) Rice (SC) Rigell (VA) Roby (AL) Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rokita (IN) Rooney (FL) Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Roskam (IL) Ross (FL) Rothfus (PA) Royce (CA) Runyan (NJ) (retiring and not running in 2014) Ryan (WI) Schock (IL) Sessions (TX) Shimkus (IL) Shuster (PA) Simpson (ID) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Southerland (FL) Stewart (UT) Stivers (OH) Stutzman (IN) Thompson (PA) Thornberry (TX) Tiberi (OH) Turner (OH) Upton (MI) Valadao (CA) Wagner (MO) Walberg (MI) Walden (OR) Walorski (IN) Webster (FL) Westmoreland (GA) Whitfield (KY) Wilson (SC) Wittman (VA) Wolf (VA) (retiring and not running in 2014) Womack (AR) Woodall (GA) Yoder (KS) Yoho (FL) Young (AK) Young (IN) 64 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted against the bill (vote FOR these people): Amash (MI) Bachmann (MN) (retiring and not running in 2014) Barton (TX) Bentivolio (MI) Bridenstine (OK) Brooks (AL) Broun (GA) (running for Senate in 2014) Burgess (TX) Byrne (AL) Chabot (OH) Coffman (CO) Cotton (AR) (running for Senate in 2014) Crawford (AR) Daines (MT) (running for Senate in 2014) DeSantis (FL) DesJarlais (TN) Duncan (SC) Duncan (TN) Franks (AZ) Gardner (CO) Garrett (NJ) Gingrey (GA) (running for Senate in 2014) Gohmert (TX) Gosar (AZ) Hall (TX) Holding (NC) Huelskamp (KS) Johnson, Sam (TX) Jordan (OH) King (IA) Kingston (GA) (running for Senate in 2014) Labrador (ID) LaMalfa (CA) Lamborn (CO) Lankford (OK) Long (MO) Lummis (WY) Marchant (TX) Massie (KY) McClintock (CA) Meadows (NC) Mullin (OK) Neugebauer (TX) Nugent (FL) Pearce (NM) Petri (WI) Poe (TX) Pompeo (KS) Posey (FL) Ribble (WI) Rohrabacher (CA) Salmon (AK) Sanford (SC) Scalise (LA) Schweikert (AZ) Scott, Austin (GA) Sensenbrenner (WI) Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Terry (NE) Tipton (CO) Weber (TX) Wenstrup (OH) Williams (TX) 3 Republicans in the House of Representatives who did not vote on the bill: Buchanan (FL) Jones (NC) Stockman (TX) (running for Senate in 2014) House of Representative votes tally Courtesy of Wikipedia
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 19:32:26 +0000

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