A WEEK AFTER NYANYA BOMB BLAST, UWAJUMOGU YET TO OVERCOME THE NEWS SHOCK Noble Comrade: Ozurumba Chiagorom Mishack 08067525434. The Speaker, Imo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Uwajumogu, through his chief press secretary last week condemned suicide bomb attack on the ever-busy Nyanya Motor Park, a suburb of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, describing it as coldhearted and man’s cruelty to his fellow human. Rt. Hon. Uwajumogu, his kinsmen, friends and political allies yesterday (Easter Sunday) in his residence observed five (5) minuets silence as a mourning to those that lost their live in the recent bomb blast. He expressed melancholy at the uncalled-for destruction of lives and properties of Nigerians by the Boko Haram insurgents, stressing that with the ongoing high-powered attack against the people of the country, have rendered many homeless, childless and orphans in their home land, while economic activities in the affected area has been grounded to a halt. He called on the Federal Government to see to upgrading the welfare of those human Forces use in fighting the Boko Haram war so as to boost their moral for optimum performance. The Speaker in his address challenged the relevant security agencies in the country, to collectively work as a unity through Intelligence gathering and sharing, noting that with the total commitments of the stakeholders in the war against terror, Nigeria will definitely triumph over its present challenges. Rt. Hon. Uwajumogu also commiserated with families who lost their loved ones in the incident and as well pray that almighty God grant them the fortitude to bear the lost. He declared that the war against insurgents in the country must be embraced by all who believed in the Nigerian project. On the abduction of about 130 school girls in the Chibok Area of Borno State, He described it as despicable and unfortunate, even with the ongoing state of emergency in those states. He called on the security agencies in the country to immediately review its operations, evaluate its strategies and re-strategies in the areas to forestall the daily occurrence of such acts. The Speaker said “the killing by Boko Haram is absolutely barbaric and unjustifiable. Indeed, this country belongs to all of us and I wonder why we should be treating our fellow brother and sisters in such a despicable manner”. Rt. Hon. Benjamin Uwajumogu call on the arm forces to adopt other tactics because the lives of Nigerians are currently at stake and urge Nigerians to accept security of this nations as a social responsibility and as well be security conscious in their daily activities and report any strange movements of persons and objects around them, as the effectiveness of security depends on it.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 04:37:52 +0000

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