A WHOLE LOTTA MENTAL TOUGHNESS IS REQUIRED Try and stay conscious of what’s going on in your head…for the fear you are giving into is a lie…it will twist you up and keep you up all night…it’’ll throw you into a paralyzed weakened state that will simply force you to watch your life move forward without ever truly reaching your potential…without ever living your dreams…stay focused on what you feeling…take an active participation in the conversations in your mind…know that when you talk yourself out of your dreams…it is YOU that is holding you back…listen to what you tell yourself?...do you give yourself good advice?...or do you simply look for the first exit from your dream…the exit that avoids confrontation…avoids effort…avoids LIVING YOUR DREAM! I’ve been throwing my thoughts down on Facebook now for four years …and when I go back and read some of my old desperate scared posts…I can hardly believe I am the same person. I am not a guru…I could tumble down tomorrow…but I know one thing…I am sooooooo much stronger, and so much more complete than ever before in my life. I’m not sure how much more I’m going to be writing here on my site…for I feel a chapter has closed and a new one begun. My next chapter will be less about becoming ME…and more about following new dreams. Anyway, again…thank you for reading my thoughts that I spill all over my page. So many of you inspire me…and others have comforted me. I love you all…and I so look forward to watching us all live our dreams…stay strong my friends…for it is STRONG women that succeed in this world. Warmest of hugs, Jennifer
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 12:05:47 +0000

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