A WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN GOINON !! Thursday. Brutally - TopicsExpress


A WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN GOINON !! Thursday. Brutally cold outside. Last night I actually had an issue with the burner. 2 service people were here late last night. Everything is in working order now. Be careful. Not only does cold damage and break down mechanical and moving parts, its especially unforgiving to exposed and poorly protected tissue. Who likes watching the NATURE and WEATHER channels ? Hummm--thought so. Well, it might be as appealing nor as brain vacationing as, say, Basketball Wives or one of the Real Housewives franchises--but it may be a good idea spend a little time watching one of those science shows. You may be a little surprised at whats going on around the globe . For example, I was watching the Weather Channel the other day and the feature was Earthquakes. They reviewed the infamous 2004 quake off the Asian coast that triggered the monstrous Tsunami that claimed thousands of lives, Billions of dollars in damages and spawned at least 2 Hollywood movies. They also showed the quake off the coast of Japan that rivaled the Hiroshima blast in destruction and damages, killed many, threatened a hypothetical China Syndrome type situation at a damaged nuclear plant and provided reels of highlight footage for disaterphiles and Monday-morning scientists. Earthquakes are predictable within the bounds of their unpredictability. We live in fearful anticipation of the next Big One ! We know it is going to happen; we just dont know exactly WHEN nor WHERE ! And thereby lies our conundrum. Scientists are in a race to get far enough ahead of major quakes to sound the alarm and reduce the number of human lives at risk. Of course there are the usual suspect places that everyone is keeping a wary eye on. This places have experienced quakes, interspersed with the occasional MEGA-quake--all throughout history. A quake comes along and razes a city, the citizens collect themselves, bury their dead and rebuild. A hundred or two hundred years later another big one hits and the scenario is repeated. Sometimes people move--most times the dont. I think they average layman would be more than a little surprised how frequently earthquakes occur and the places where they happen. On average they seem to be happening every couple of hours. These shakings are at least a 2.5 magnitude--just a little above the shaking my mother gave me when I threw a cat up in the air. But, seriously, they happen a lot more than we are made aware. Only the Big Ones are worthy of national and universal attention. But the frequency and diverse local of these quakes points to a globe under constant shift, internal pressure and tectonic plate motion. We are floating on a skin with cracks, pimples and blackheads worse than that blind date your friends set you up with. We are at the mercy of Nature. It can caress or spank us. New York state is on a huge epicenter ! Earthquakes happen in New York pretty frequently. One day a monster one might come along and throw you out of bed right into the ATLANTIC OCEAN ? Who KNOWS ? The Weather Channel says we East-coasters shouldnt get too smug ! While we are casting our gazes Westward, the hammer just may come down on US ! Another thing: Major construction, invasive mining and drilling near or along these Fault Lines might exacerbate our problems. Remember the underground Nuclear explosions ? Im sure none of that got us any brownie-points with Mother Nature. And what about Fracking ? All that proves is whatever we do to the earth returns that favor to us a thousandfold ! Weve had earthquakes just the other day in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada and California. How do I know ? Well, for my own edification I decided to look it up ! The quakes ranged in severity from 2.3 to 3.8; and all of these happened the same day within the space of hours. There were larger quakes in Mexico and Canada of 4.3. We are in the midst of a lot of seismic activity. History tells us that the continents were once joined together, broke apart and over billions of years ended up in their present positions. All you have to do is look at a world map and see immediately that this is true. It all could fit together like a puzzle. Maybe some would rather not know that their piece of Shangri la might be sitting atop a ticking timebomb ! I can understand that. But information is always GOOD even if its bad ! Then maybe I might be inspired to take the Johnny Weissmuller advanced swimming course in case a Tsunami hits the East coast ? If Im going down it wont be without a fight ! Itll be Weissmuller, Buster Crabbe and Esther Williams for awhile, the backstroke and doggie-paddle until I cant go anymore. Then Ill gain religion, and finally do the ONE, TWO, THREE, thing with my fingers before I sink to the bottom. Maybe Ill pass some Housewives and Basketball Wives at the 2-fathom level ? Im overthinking again. I think I need to watch a little Jerry today. I need to deaden the cerebral area of my brain for awhile.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 14:34:14 +0000

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