A WOLF STORY -- HOPE YOU ENJOY IT White Wolf © By Dot Sutton©-Moon - 18/3/06 It was winter and the snow was coming down fast, the young fifteen year old girl lay under the tree crying, she knew she was dying. She got separated from her tribe because she couldn’t see in front of her for the snow, she found the tree with a big opening at the bottom and climb inside to keep warm. She could hear voices calling out her name, but she couldn’t call back as she was too weak to move, she looked out and saw a wolf standing there watching her. She knew that for unknown reason, this wolf would understand what she would say to it, she ask would it help and the wolf nodded it’s head (yes) I have never seen a grey wolf with a black mark on its face before, you are unusual she thought, the wolf nodded it’s head once again because it could read her mind. The wolf went away then came back a few minutes later with other wolves, they piled under the tree and lay around and over her, she knew they were trying to keep her warm but would be too late. Then it hit her why they were there, she did what she had then a few minutes later, she passed over with a beautiful smile on her face. Her spirit stood there and the wolf looked at her then bowed its head, then her spirit began to float upwards. The wolves left the body where it was and went back to where they came from, they could hear the braves calling out to the girl, the grey wolf howled once then followed the others. We’ve found her one of the braves called out, but it’s too late, they buried her body outside the tree then left. The years rolled by and one of the braves was getting married, his young brother never forgot his young love who died five years ago, he knew he could never fall in love again with another woman. He sat alone by the river deep in thoughts, and then he felt something touch his hand, he look into the eyes of a wolf. The wolf sat in front of him looking at him, and then it ran off when it saw another Indian coming towards them. Was that a white wolf? Owl asks. Yes it was Night Hawk answered, I have never seen a white wolf with a dark mark on it before, and it was friendly too. Do you know it has been watching you for this past four years Owl told him, everywhere you went, that wolf was near but never came to you until now? I have never seen it before Night Hawk told him, and why would it be watching me? I don’t know Owl answered, but I do know I’ve seen it hiding and watching you since being a cub, then it looked like someone called it as it would look back, then run off. Night Hawk looked over then saw it watching him, he took notice of wherever he was, and he would see the wolf there, hiding. An old woman came to the tribe whom the chief made very welcome, she was of course his sister, and he knew what her job was and kept her secret. Hello my sister, it is good to see you again he called out, are you staying for awhile? Yes I am and it’s good to see you too my brother she called back, his braves brought her whatever she wanted as the women kept her tepee clean and warm for whenever she would return, this was law of their chief. Night Hawk had often seen her coming and leaving since he was a but a child himself, he often sat with her and either talked to her, or listened to her stories. The children called her the old woman story teller and loved her, they loved listening to her stories and she never got tired of telling them. She was sitting there when Night Hawk came and sat down with her, she could see the deep sadness in his face and told him that Bright Star would not like him to be this way, she would want you to get on with your life and be happy again. He looked her then said a few nights before she died, she told me she had something to tell me, but never got the chance. I miss her so much and I know what I did was wrong of me as I was six years older than her but our love ran deep for each other he told her, now I have nothing of her but my memories which will fade in years to come. I do not believe that for one minute Night Hawk, there is always something our love ones leave behind, unless of course they have no one here to leave anything for the old woman replied, and Bright Star did indeed leave you something but you are too deep in mourning for her and too stubborn to see it. What did she leave me old one as she had nothing to leave but her love for me he cried, but she is not here for me to hold her in my arms, to kiss her and tell her how much I love and miss her. Think back to the night she last talked with you for I cannot tell you as only you can do that the old woman answered, think long and deep about it before it’s too late. He went on to tell her about the white wolf and what Owl had told him, and how he can see it too but didn’t know why the wolf was watching him. I cannot answer that question Night Hawk for you have to find out yourself she told him. But old woman he cried, how can I find that out? When you are alone and you see this white wolf, talk to it she replied. He laughed then said, I guess next you’ll be telling me it will answer me, and wolves don’t talk. You will learn nothing with an attitude like that Night Hawk, have you never listened to the wind or the birds, have you never listened to the flowing waters for all things talk if you truly listen to them she replied. He went off to the mountains and sat alone, he thought back to the night when Bright Star had met him in their secret place. He could see she was ill and wanted to know how he could help her. There is nothing you can do for me as it will pass soon she told him, If anything ever happens to me, I want you to promise to live your life and be happy. He was not listening to her words and told her he could love no other woman as much as he loves her, I want us to spend our lives together and grow old together. We don’t always get what we want my love, but I must go back now as old grandmother needs me; I want us to meet here as I have something to tell you but cannot tell you right now. Before he could say anything, she ran back to her old grandmother who was dying, and that was the last time they were ever alone together. I wonder what she had to tell me he thought, I hope she was not going to tell me, she had found someone else to love. He then looked over and saw the white wolf sitting there, he remembered what the old woman told him, and then he spoke to the wolf. The wolf came to him and put its paw on his knee, it sat looking at him, and he began to stroke it. The wolf put its two paws on his knee then lowered its head. He sat talking to the wolf for half an hour then called out to bright Star, he looked down at the wolf and realised that the wolf was beginning to change. He was not afraid as he too could change his shape but stopped doing it; he got a shock when he saw the young boy sitting there. Who are you young one? He asks the boy. I am known as White Wolf and I am what Bright Star left behind the boy answered. Suddenly there gun firing going on, the boy told him to change into the wolf he use to change into as the white men were coming, Night Hawk did indeed changed into a wolf just as the white men came around the bend in the mountains. They ignored the wolves and went on looking to see if any Indians were there. The two wolves waited until they had gone then changed back into human beings again, the tribe was moved to a reservation and White Wolf told Night Hawk he would help him to get his people away. It will be no use to do that my friend as they will only be brought back here and many old ones will die as winter is stepping in again Night Hawk told him, but tell me why you have been watching me all these years? He saw the sadness in the child’s eyes, without thinking he reached out and held the boy close to him in a fatherly hug; he felt closeness to this child. The boy looked at him saying, you have to think about what I said to you Night Hawk, or you will lose me forever, I must go now but I will be back when you need me, then the boy quickly changed into a wolf and ran off before Night Hawk could say anything. He was so deep in thought that he didn’t see the white men standing around him; they took him to join the other tribes. Then one of the white men took a dislike to him and blamed him something he didn’t do, the captain ordered that he be shot for killing a man. They tied Night Hawks hands behind his back then he was asking if he had a last request? Yes I have he answered, but I wish to do it my mind as it will take me but a few minutes. The captain told him to tell him when he has finished and Night Hawk said he will. White Wolf picked up the thoughts of Night Hawk, he sent his own thoughts back, then set off. The men were getting up with waiting and Bill, the one who accused Night Hawk of killing a man lifted his riffle up and was about to fire, when it was knocked out of his hands by Ted. Then he stood in front of Night Hawks saying, this Indian did not kill anyone, Bill killed Fred and blamed this man as he took a dislike to him from the start. The captain asks how he knew this. Because I was there and saw it Fred answered but Bill didn’t see me, I can take you to where he has hidden his own clothes that is has blood on them. They found the clothes and brought them back to the captain who then told is men to untie the Indian, they shot Bill in his place for murder. The months went by and Night Hawk was sitting alone, he had not seen the white wolf for months and wondered why? He thought about everything they had talked about, then it hit him what the boy had told him, he changed into a wolf then set off looking for the boy. He saw the boy sitting alone by the stream, he changed back into himself then sat facing the boy saying, you are my son? The boy threw his arms around him saying, I knew you’d come and find me, my father. They sat for hours talking, then Night Hawk saw the spirit of Bright Star, she looked so beautiful. You are very lucky to have found your son when you did, for I was going to take him with me she told them, I was going to tell you that I was with child but I didn’t get the chance. I was alone and afraid as it was near time to have him and I was so cold, I knew I’d never make it back to you my love, I saw a grey wolf who understood everything I said. Then after White Wolf was born, I saw the other wolves carry him away and I knew our son would be safe as you and I could also change into wolves, but we forgot how to, my son has brought it all back you my love and now you can both be safe by going far away from here as there is nothing you can do to help our people. I will be back again one day when it’s near your time to join me in the happy hunting grounds, leave here now and be happy and be safe, I will always be with you both in your hearts, then she was gone. Father and son changed into wolves and ran many miles across many lands until they found a land where they knew they’d be safe, White Wolf found himself a beautiful wife and had four children, they too could change into wolves. Old Night Hawk was very proud of his family then told his son he was going into the mountains, I will not be coming back so keep your family here as I don’t want them to see me die. As he lay on the ground, he saw the wolves standing in a circle around him, then they changed, it was his son, and four Grandchildren, White Wolf told him how the children knew what he was doing and wanted to be here so he’d not die alone. Thank you my family for doing this for me, I love you all very much and I thank you my son for making me live a happy life Night Hawk told them. Bright Star, are you here White Wolf called out. I am here my son and always have been she answered, it is time for your father to join me now, do not be sad over this for we will always be near you to watch over you even though you will never see us, until your time comes, then we will come for you she told him. Wow, you are beautiful my grandmother Little Wolf cried out, she laughed at him saying, you will be the troublesome one getting into mischief my grandson, but you will be well loved by all who meet you. The spirit of Night Hawk stood by her side with a smile, they held hands and began to float away, the family changed into wolves and howled once in honour of their grandfather. Then all went quiet once again as they ran off into the woods. Bright Star looked at Night Hawk saying, our youngest grandson will break many a young’s heart, he will become a great chief and will marry. All our grandchildrens children will have our power of changing my love, for the wolves will carry on in this world, and in the spirit world. Night Hawk took her hand saying come my love, for we have much to catch up on, they changed into wolves and ran playfully around the happy hunting ground. The End
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:16:01 +0000

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