A WORD FROM RICK BURGESS Co-Host of The Nationally Syndicated - TopicsExpress


A WORD FROM RICK BURGESS Co-Host of The Nationally Syndicated Rick and Bubba Show JANUARY 2014 We had a topic on the show this past month that really stirred a lot of email concerning accountability and the biblical call to rebuke each other in order to grow spiritually. First off, this is a biblical principle that cannot be ignored. Paul could not be more clear to young Timothy in his second letter when he reminds him that all scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The bottom line is that if anyone is using the word of God as the standard to correct someone then they are not doing anything wrong; however, we dont always receive correction from our brothers or sisters in a way that reflects that being the truth. Our pride swells up and we either make excuses or have the arrogant attitude that no one dare call us out for anything. This attitude doesnt say good things about who we really are according the words of Solomon in the book of Proverbs. First off lets look at a verse that we are all very familiar with Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. I cant tell you how many times I have referenced that verse when dealing with those who do not believe in God Almighty and or his mercy through Jesus Christ and how their world view is based on a lack of wisdom because they have no fear for God Almighty. I would like to challenge us this month to look at the verses before verse 10 concerning those who refuse to be held accountable and or rebuked as to those who receive correction. Solomon begins to describe a person he calls a scoffer or what some translations refer to as a mocker. Solomon describes this person as someone who refuses to be corrected or rebuked by the Word of God. The scoffer is the man or woman who immediately attacks the messenger and begins to mock or scoff at the very notion that anyone would call them out on anything because they usually have an attitude that they are the most intelligent person in the room, and how dare anyone call them out. The sad part about this attitude is they arent mocking or scoffing at the messenger who is being obedient to the Word of God; they are mocking Almighty God. The Bible discusses four types of people when it comes to being corrected by the Word of God in their lifestyle. First is the simple. This is a person who may be young in age, immature spiritually or lost. The response of the simple is they dont understand what you are talking about. They dont get it because they just dont know or understand who God is and what the Bible says on any topic. Second is the fool. The fool is the person who knows exactly who God is and what the Bible says, but just ignores it and chooses to do otherwise. We see this attitude abound in what many call cultural Christianity. The attitude of choosing to do whatever people want to do the way they want to do it and somehow still find their way into heaven. Third is the mocker or the scoffer. This is the one described earlier that is arrogant and prideful and responds with anger to anyone who dare call them out on anything. Fourth is the wise. This is the person Solomon describes as thankful that a brother and sister has brought the standard of the Word of God to them, and they embrace it to become wiser. Could I be so bold as to have all of us evaluate ourselves by these four categories? When rebuked by the Word of God the simple will not get it. The fool will ignore it. The scoffer will hate it, and the wise will thank you for it. Which category best describes you and me? According to the Word of God your answer speaks to your abundance or lack of wisdom. If you are not sure to which category you belong then just be honest about how you want to respond to me right now after reading what I wrote. That should tell you something. Rick Burgess John 16:33
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:21:00 +0000

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