A WORD FROM THE LORD JESUS (I) The battle is in the mind & d - TopicsExpress


A WORD FROM THE LORD JESUS (I) The battle is in the mind & d war is for your heart. Why are you trying to fight from down here an enemy who is in the 2nd heaven? Y not ascend to the heavens and learn the strategy of the enemy? Y do you call Me an idiot? Because as you have done it to the least, you have done it to Me. (if abuse somebody, you are actually abusing His Maker – Jesus). How can you curse a man who you can see & bless Me whom you cannot see? I want you to stop asking Me to heal you because I have already done that – 1cor5:21 – what I want you to do, I want you to thank Me for PERFECT HEALTH. Psm 107:20, lk4:4 I want you to be a Dream Releaser because in each one of you, there is something, there is that song that has never been sang, there is that book that has never been written, that business that never was started. Whoever lends to the poor lends to Me The top of My list for you is the bottom of your list & the top of your list is the bottom of My list for you. I Am going to invert it correctly. The top of My list for you is the refinement of your character & the bottom of My list for you is the fulfillment of your ministry. I Am going to cause your root to be so deep in Me that when d day come in the future that you experience success in ministry (& life) you will be solid & not be moved to the right or to the left because your root had had time to go deep down in Me with the refinement of your character. You have by faith the capability to reach into the future & pull your future now into your moment even if it accelerates My timing- Jn2:1-5 What is it to you if I raise up a man like an axe in My hand to judge My church? Because My shepherd lied. They lied about My deity, they lied about My humanity, they lied about My first coming & they lied about My second coming. What is it to you if I raise up a man like an axe in My hand? Jer51:20 In your day of trouble, call on Me & I will answer. I can restore a broken life. Between restoring a broken car & a broken life, which is more important? Don’t say again that you have a low brain. Now that you are anointed with d Holy Spirit, you have a Tripled Brain. U are Brilliant. From now you say, ‘I am Brilliant!’ God is going to give you your nation. U are going to see d blind see, d deaf hear, d lame walk & d dead will be raised (U have to believe & work towards this) My people are not taking My Word serious. You need to look at d totality of My Word. As you SOW (generally I everything), you will REAP. When you sow thoughts, you will reap thoughts. You are so caught up in yourself, with d things of this world & things that are not important to you. The Church is a sleeping giant. I Am sending My anointing to wake them up to shine forth. Do u notice that your birth day changes? You will bring d knowledge of My power & My glory to My people for the time will come on the earth where there is going to be a revelation of d Working of Miracles. Because of d circumstances that will come on d earth My people are going to know d revelation of My power. To d nations you will go. You are to go & bring d revelation of My glory. I am bringing you here to bring you some revelations of the time to come that is coming to the earth & My people have needs to know this things. There are areas of the supernatural that the church has been fighting, that now, because of what is coming on the earth, they are going to be opened to the supernatural in a way that they have never been opened before. My thoughts are not your thoughts. There are certain thoughts I assigned only you to think. There are angelic beings been released on the earth that were assigned to this point in time. My people are going to need to know d Glory in order to step into the Power of God to retrieve miracles like they’ve never retrieved them before. Seek My kingdom above every other thing else. If you will learn to pray for people with your whole heart, My anointing, no matter what needs to be done, will always go into people.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 04:12:30 +0000

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