A WORD FROM THE NATIONAL WATCHMAN It is dangerous to bring - TopicsExpress


A WORD FROM THE NATIONAL WATCHMAN It is dangerous to bring religious and tribal sentiment into our politics. All the politicians and ex millitary leaders that bulckanised our economy and destroyed our collective wealth are from both religions, all the armed robbers and fraudsters troubling us today are from both religions. Because GEJ bears a christian name and goes to Church and Buhari bears a muslim name and goes to mosque does not make any one of them a genuine godly believer. I have not seen anything in them to elicit that conviction. Politicians are like masqurades, they appear with many faces as long as it will bring them sympathy. They know that religion and ethnicity steer interest in unrefined minds. what would a northerner or southerner gain if his statesman wins. Nothing. It is the political clique that knows what they will gain not me and you. They command the media, they say things as if we are the ones saying them. when it comes to national cake they eat alone. WHO THEN DO WE NEED? vote only for the most qualified in integrity, vision, passion for a better Nigeria, good understanding of political and national economics, national geopolitical challanges, economy and human development, youth intigration in global economics and social peace, equity, robost intelligent anti corruption fight, war against terror and massive national education and information platform reduction and total cut down on bogogeous government beuracracy, cost of governace and population of political and elective positions in Nigeria. A radical insistence on accountability in governance. All ex office holder billonaires must be investigated. a person with the intellectual capacity to handle the complexities of the mordern age, inculturising and aculturising factors heating our social order and interllectual growth platform visa vis global trends. Finally we need a government that will change our political language and appealations. why should an elected person be praised and thanked for govt projects. Is it his money?. This Big Oga, and benefactor mentality must be replaced with a responsible call for accountability on how our public collective wealth is handled by those we elected in trust to handle them. THE importance and the expectation are why the terms Excellency and Honorable are reminder acronyms for those so elected., But when borne by ignoble men and women, and yet respected by the society, then normality has been buried. Pray and use ur consciense to vote. We need a change BUT NOT ON THE TERMS CREATED BY POLITICIANS WE ALREADY KNOW THE ARE CROOKS. YES THEY WILL GIVE US CHANGE BUT INTO ANOTHER COLOUR OF PAIN. WE NEED CHANGE ON OUR OWN TERMS. WE HAVE AND HAS CONTINUED TO BE VICTIMS OF ALL BAD GOVERNACE OVER THE YEARS. I TOLD ONE POPULAR MAN IN POLITICS AND GOVERNACE, THAT CHANGE IN YOUR VOCAB IS DIFFERENT FROM CHANGE FOR NIGERIANS. how many of the parties conducted a rubost research across the nation to articulate what we need and frame it in the CHANGE PHENOM THEY ALL OFFER? NONE. THEY ARE ALL LAZY AND INSENSITIVE. WE MUST COMMEND THOSE WHO DID WELL AND SHOWED THAT INDIVIDUAL QUALITY GIVES A SYSTEM ITS LIVE LINE. Use the personality frame work of those who have done well as a marker for whom to vote.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:15:47 +0000

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