A WORD TO THE WEARY READ: Isaiah 50:4-10 GOD has given Me the - TopicsExpress


A WORD TO THE WEARY READ: Isaiah 50:4-10 GOD has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. – Isaiah 50:4 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 11-13 The people of Israel were struggling. They had been taken captive by the Assyrians and forced to live in a country far from home. What could the prophet Isaiah give these weary people to help them? He gave them a prophecy of hope. It was a message from God relating to the promised Messiah. In Isaiah 50:4, the Savior Himself described the comfort and consolation He would one day bring: “The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.” These were words of dual comfort – both to the people in exile and to future generations whose lives would be touched by Jesus’ compassion. In the Gospels we see how Christ fulfilled the prophecy with “a word in season to him who is weary.” To the crowds who followed Him, Christ proclaimed: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Words of compassion indeed! Jesus left us an example of how to minister to people who have grown weary. Do you know someone who needs a timely word of encouragement or the listening ear of a concerned friend? A word of comfort to the weary can go a long way. – Dennis Fisher Neither life nor death can ever From the Lord His children sever, For His love and deep compassion Comforts them in tribulation. - Berg Compassion is needed to heal the hurts of others. 扶助疲乏人 读经:以赛亚书50章4-10节 主耶和华赐我受教者的舌头,使我知道怎样用言语扶助疲乏的人。-以赛亚书50章4节 全年读经:撒母耳记上11-13章 以色列民被掳到亚述,被迫远离家园而居,他们在异乡挣扎求生。在这样的光景里,先知以赛亚能给这群疲乏的以色列人什么帮助呢? 以赛亚带给他们一个满有盼望的预言,那是上帝应许赐下弥赛亚的信息。在以赛亚书50章4节,救主亲自表明,有一天祂将带来安抚与慰藉。“主耶和华赐我受教者的舌头,使我知道怎样用言语扶助疲乏的人。” 不论是对当时被掳到异乡的以色列民还是他们的子孙,这些话都具有安慰的果效,因为他们的生命都将经历主耶稣的怜悯。从福音书中,我们看见基督成就了预言,“用言语扶助疲乏的人”。在马太福音11章28节,基督对跟随祂的信徒说:“凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。”这真是一句充满怜悯的话! 耶稣留下一个榜样,让我们知道该如何安慰疲乏的人。在你认识的人当中,有谁正需要一句适时的鼓励,或是一双倾听的耳朵吗?一句安慰的话会帮助疲乏的人继续前行,对他们有深远的影响。HDF 神的儿女无论生死, 永远不会与祂分离, 他们愁苦祂全明了, 祂会赏赐丰富恩慈。Berg 安慰伤痛的人,需要怜悯之心。
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:23:48 +0000

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