A WORD TO THOSE WHO ARE SPREADING ANTI-SEMITIC ATTACKS. RIGHT NOW, Israel is fighting to protect its country and its people, but what you need to be aware of is, that their fight is and will help protect all Western and European countries. IF Israel is defeated, start being even more observant of who is in your country, because the terrorists will come. ALSO TO THESE PEOPLE, are you so uneducated and so blinded by hate for the Jews that you cannot see what Islam is, what it does and what its agenda is? Do you think that you will be exempt from the violence and murder by the terrorists? Do you love your children, grandchildren, your life as it is now, and your country? Stand with all non-moslems or you will see what is happening in the mid-east and countries that have allowed Islam to immigrate to them, happening in Canada. Islamic Moslem violence has started in Canada but it’s not too late to stop it. Anti-Semitic attacks on Israel have risen dramatically during Operation Protective Edge, and two recent incidents in Canada show that despite the governments support for the Jewish state, there is much vitriol against it among leftists and Arab Canadians. At the height of the operation Canadas National Post published an article focusing on Canadian lone soldiers. Nefesh BNefesh reports that 145 young Canadian citizens are currently serving in the IDF as lone soldiers, living by themselves in Israel and defending the Jewish state. In response to the article, Arab Canadians and radical leftist groups called for the Canadian law preventing citizens from leaving the country to join terror groups to be expanded to include those leaving to serve in the IDF, in a shocking equivocation of Israel and terror, reports Shalom Toronto. The inaccurate reporting on Operation Protective Edge has led to a surge of anti-Semitic incidents worldwide; a recent study found such incidents rose 383% last month as compared to the same month last year. It is worth noting that the editor of Meshwar, which is a free paper distributed in the streets of Toronto for the local Arab population, is a member of the Palestine House. Issam Al-Yamani, director of the Palestine House, spoke at a July 30 anti-Israel rally in Toronto, where he called for a third intifada terror war against Israel, waged both from within the Jewish state as well as worldwide. While the Canadian government has firmly supported Israel, recently denouncing a UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) committee to investigate allegations of war crimes in Gaza, a Canadian law professor, Prof. William Schabas, was nominated to head the committee. Schabas has a proven track record of bias against Israel. israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/184042#.U_j5MWOy-d4
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 16:59:03 +0000

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