A Wall of Fire The 1990 Intercessors 500 was an explosion of - TopicsExpress


A Wall of Fire The 1990 Intercessors 500 was an explosion of Gods dynamic energy in every area of concern in each participant. It was obvious that Gods mighty, outstretched hand was upon it from the beginning. The words JUST PRAY resounded through the atmosphere like earth-shaking rolls of thunder! Gods prophetic voice to His beloved intercessors was spoken in such profound and piercing words that lives were instantly changed as if in the twinkling of an eye. It was evident that Gods heart, will, plan, and purpose were being accomplished for the bearing of fruit to His everlasting glory. But suddenly, an ominous presence seemed to arise. No one could see it. No one had invited such a guest. Where there had been total peace and clear understanding, a measure of unrest and a feeling of what is it? began to be sensed in the atmosphere. One sensed a force of opposition, such as Paul and Silas experienced in Acts 16, when they broke open the second new continent to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, this opposition was only for a moment in the time frame of Gods purpose for that meeting. Without anyone speaking of the opposition, God found one intercessor to whom He could give a night vision. As she slept Friday night, she saw and heard a leader in Satans armed forces say to his peer and subordinates, This meeting has gone on long enough. We have to bring it to a halt! With that, the intercessor was awakened to an all-night intercession. Suddenly it entered my heart that everyone present needed to walk around the meeting room in a two-by-two line of troops, as it were. As we did this, all the while praying in the spirit (other tongues), I knew we would be releasing Gods wall of fire around that room. I knew that protection and glory would prevail for the remaining meetings. Nothing unholy would manifest. People would perceive the awesome holiness, glory, and love of God. No one doubts the beyond measure of glory that resulted throughout the entire last day and evening of this meeting. Gods heart, will, plan, and purpose were accomplished in ways that exceeded all our imagination or hopes! This was on May 25 and 26. The woman who had the dream, and who willingly yielded to the spirit of intercession that birthed these events, excitedly reported to her sister, Linda Cox (one of the conference speakers) what she had dreamed and prayed, and what had just taken place in the 8:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer session. Linda related these events to me on June 9. Intercession resulting from sensitivity to Almighty God results in eternal effects in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. God may use another person to carry out and enforce what intercessors pray, as in this case. The wall of fire scripture speaks of provided protection against our enemies. In the day of Zerubbabel, when the returned exiles, under Zerubbabels leadership, were attempting to rebuild the Temple, critics and friends alike sought to stop it. Likewise, there are enemies attempting to hinder and stop the move of God that is taking place through His people today. The adversary especially seeks to abort and stop intercessory prayer! The building of the Temple was slow, and the workers became discouraged, weary, doubtful, and fearful. Their enemies took advantage of this condition and with it the fact they had no wall to protect them. But God...! Glory to His Holy Name! God intervened on the behalf of His faithful people and sent this dynamite word of encouragement through His prophet Zechariah: For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her (Zechariah 2:5). Dont worry about it, God is saying. If I Am for you, what can be against you? Keep on keeping on and, like my Jews in Zerubbabels day, you will not only complete your work, but the opposition against you will be overthrown. I Am you wall of fire and the glory in the midst of you! We can rest confident and secure in Gods defense of us. His glory will keep us from the enemy. As in the day of Moses, when Gods glory separated His people unto protective life, and the enemy Pharaoh and his army unto death, so will His wall of fire, the glory, separate us from our enemies today. A wall of fire separates. Let us forever remember: We are a separated people! It is the wall of fire and the glory that significantly separates us from the enemy and all enemy forces. Intercessors, dont allow weariness, impatience, and discouragement to prevail over you. Remember, your intercession is a business meeting where you do business for God. Your part is to pray. The results are in Gods hands. Be energized and edified by the following story shared in abbreviated form. When the China Inland Mission was being formed, it was very dangerous to go into certain parts of China. One missionary was bold and brave enough to obey God in working in a very hostile region. All others who had attempted to do so had been killed. This missionarys life was not only spared, but the work was a success. The reason? He was the only one who went in with an armed force of soldiers, the story relates. The number of soldiers seen with him at all times was eleven. But - the missionary was alone. What does this mean? The answer came as the missionary heard another story from a home pastor. The pastor felt led to have a special prayer meeting for the young missionary. The prompting was one of urgency. He felt that danger was at hand. Only a small number of people came to pray and, of course, the pastor was greatly disappointed. But as he related the story, the missionary asked how many people were there to pray. The answer was, Eleven of us were gathered to pray for you. Eleven soldiers were always seen with the missionary who was, in truth, physically alone. But because eleven people prayed, eleven supernatural soldiers accompanied him, and a great work for God was accomplished. Perhaps God is saying, Despise not small... Just pray! Pour you heart out in intercession! Who knows what God is doing with our efforts of His great love? When He is involved, that which has been, and is, impossible becomes possible. Worship God as your wall of fire and the glory in the midst of you! Hes saving your prayers and tears in a vial to be presented to the Lamb in that day. He is measuring your prayers. He fulfills your prayers and, as He shows us in Revelation 5:8, they are of eternal value. Her the voice of the Holy Spirit and the Bride crying out for the Bridegroom, and just pray. Intercede for His glory! Why now? I was led to look through past overflow magazines for an article that related to our care for Israel. I knew the article entitled A Wall of Fire was what the Holy Spirit was leading me to. As I read it I was convinced it was the Word of the Lord to us now! Not only for our prayers for Israel and America, but for all nations. May Gods special intercessory grace be enriched in and upon you as you read and activate intercession in your daily Christian life.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:36:49 +0000

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