A War Without End. Had Israel accepted the messages of the - TopicsExpress


A War Without End. Had Israel accepted the messages of the prophets and have been spared the humiliation that followed. Was because they had persisted in abandoning His law, God was compelled to let them go into captivity. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge was the message sent to them through Hosea. Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee ... seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God. P.R 297 Israel was Gods chosen people to talk about your love and honor him by keeping his laws, taking the gospel mainly neighboring nations who practiced idolatry, Israel has always been about the protection of Jehovah when threatened by foreign nations. Today many wonder whether Israel still retains the covenant made by God to his people. Israel was loved and protected by God unconditionally. The word of God is faithful and remains to this day giving us satisfactory and truthful answers about the future of Israel and the relationship with the plan of salvation today We are currently witnessing another chapter of war between Israel and Palestinians, where innocent people, mostly children, women and hospitals are attacked by both armies. Israel first world country in the Middle East arms a great power, one of the most advanced technologies in the world in arms, with a much greater advantage in war strategies. How can we understand within the biblical context so unnecessary but with proportions of a war across the Middle East war? Lets see what the Scriptures say. And now, if you will strictly obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples, for all the earth is mine. . Exodus 19: 5 There was a condition imposed by God in the covenant to Israel to continue being the chosen people of God, the Jewish people had to remain faithful to the covenant; otherwise they would lose all rights to continue with the people of GOD SPECIAL PROPERTY, history tells us that Israel broke the covenant following his own destiny. From the faith by following other gods, and years later rejected the Son of God came To his and his own received him not rejected Jesus Christ who had come to save them fulfilling its promise in the covenant. Israel as a nation is no longer part sotereológico in biblical context, there is no salvation without accepting Christ as Savior, now the Jews as individuals have the same chance of redemption and eternal life as any human being for which Jesus died. Today, this nation had the blessings of God, it could have been a spiritual power and example to all nations of the world will live in constant conflict with his own brothers until the second you see Jesus come to this earth. Israel never again have peace, a result of their disobedience, war and suffering will be his martyrdom. A people that God loved. Very sad situation in this country had everything to be a glorious nation, today is a country with no relevant meaning in the eyes of God. Today we are left with much prayer by both nations that fight with each other and suffer the pain of the loss of their families and friends. by Hugo Bustamante.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:54:33 +0000

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