A Wednesday must reply for the bloody Oct. 30 Thursday Written in - TopicsExpress


A Wednesday must reply for the bloody Oct. 30 Thursday Written in November 2008 The bloody Thursdays(Oct. 30) serial blast by suspected Islamic Jehadi fundamentalists in Assam in particular in the capital holy city Guwahati that rocked the nation and the globe as a whole claiming some 82 innocents on paper (as eye witnesses comment and assume that several hundreds deaths ) and left deserted another several hundreds either in form of orphan or physically challenged or totally mentally disturbed, hearing impaired or blind is darkest day in the history of Assam post independence. Note that over 300 injured are still fighting for life in beds of various hospitals and some 50 critically injured have even left hope of living a decent life even if they somehow survive, it would be simply to breathe air. It is the deadliest ever terror attack on Assam the hunting and dwelling ground for growing Islamic fundamentalist the Bangladeshis which has been the biggest threat to the sovereignty and integrity of an independent country. The deadliest incident can be warm up activity for the Jehadi forces to organize the formation of the proposed Islamistan whose capital would be a part of Assam. Assam is a state garlanded by international border and the country donot have any border sealing with any of the neighbouring nation. This serial blast should be treated as final warning to the countrys weakening internal security and the sovereignty and integrity of the country as the sms claiming to have taken responsibility in the little known name Islamic Security Force (Indian Mujaheedin) in short ISF (IM) of the blast from the a Reliance number read as We here by warn Assam and India for such incidents in future also. If ISF(IM) existence and their hand in the serial blast is proved it would always mean an international Islamic terrorist network has established its business in Assam because the gravity of the blasts itself is a proof that the propagators of the attack has used foreign made bombs and devices. Nowhere the bombs resembled the country made local bombs as found in earlier blasts. To add on some 30 cars and 150 motorcycles and scooters were turned into ashes, formation of visible cracks in the nearby buildings, several shops and market complexes were broken down and even a flyover in Ganeshguri got a wide crack due to the ill fated Thursdays blast. The National Security Guard (NSG) team will have a tough time to study the case and interlink to other blasts mean while state police have confirmed the huge use of RDX. When techno savvy terrorists groups were organizing their terror activities our intelligence official even could not trace what was BADMAN the code word as persumed to be used by one in a social networking site mumbaihangout later in orkut that has so far proved fatal and true. To elaborate abbreviation B-Banglore, A-Ahemdabad, D-Delhi, M-Malegaon, A-Assam now N-Next???? Latest reports suggest that this code name was even posted to most surfed social networking site orkut by a user whose user no longer exists now despite the fact that India is 2nd largest orkut user in the globe after Brazil. Now the question is what has the government and security agencies done so far. Even role of media is not satisfactory meanwhile role of a common man is not even taken into consideration. Before any location beginning from N is white washed common need to wake up. All stupid common is vulnerable to such attacks and before you become a victim stupid better be prepare to be one stupid common man of the movie Neeraj Pandeys A Wednesday. Every Indian should play an act of Nasuridin Shah in the movie. All political party should frame a masterplan to combat such heinous act and an all party meeting should decide the final strategy. Political parties should think above politics now, they will be able to do politics only if they save the nation first. Honestly speaking if the political party now donot learn a lesson it is for sure they will be no more politicians in Islamistan. It is not the time of playing political blame game and reaping political mileage rather it is high time to take a concrete united stand to save the integrity of the state. All sections of the people being themselves acting as responsible citizens should come forward in the process. Peace and protest rallies are no solutions to the problems. The most important necessity is driving out all illegal foreigners who are causing big threat to the nation. It is not only about driving out illegal lungi clad Bangladeshis but also so called intellectuals and politicians who have been protecting these jehadi fundamentalists and promoting terrorism in the state. Influx is the major cause of terrorist activities. One name Indian one game driving out all threats of the nation should be call now at this critical hour. Honestly speaking Islam has never been a threat to the nation but incident those involved in threats of nation are Islamic groups so Islam is a threat in the eye of most of the Hindus which has now brought division in one India feeling. Terrorisms knows no religion but however today Islam is a terror name, I believe at least few of you would agree. This article is not about promoting a movie or anti Islam, honestly it is a fact and feeling of a Indian soul. I have due respect to all my countrymen irrespective of every thing and represent a section entrusted with responsibility of the society called Media and being dutiful constitutionally I have commented here with reflects opinion of an Indian. Now India is answerable to all Indian. Where the head is held High and Knowledge is Free; Should every Indian be a stupid common man of A Wednesday to answer the bloody Thursday? Ctsy: UB Photos via Nanda Kirati Dewan (A Wednesday is a movie starring Nasuridin Shah in the lead role of a stupid common man whole blew off in a techno savvy bold way, terrorist named in Mumbai serial blast held captive by Government of Maharastra by forcing Commissioner of Police Anupam Kher to agree with his unconstitutional the act to combat deadly terrorism)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 06:18:48 +0000

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