A Well Fed Soul... You shall teach them diligently to your sons - TopicsExpress


A Well Fed Soul... You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when to sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up (Deut.6:7). True or false.... Plants need water, light, air, and nutrients to survive. If you said true, you made made an A on todays biology quiz. We can all shake the cobwebs away and remember that plants need certain things to stay alive. In the same way, the human spirit needs similar nutrients. We may look at Jesus being the bread and water of life. It fits, doesnt it... The Holy Spirit may be considered to be the air.. That kind of makes sense too... The Father provides us with the light, and our major nutrient list is completed. All of these things are neatly wrapped up in the the Word of God, which we can ascertain from todays verse. An organism gets its necessities when they are available, but todays verse speaks of a constant availability. We might designate a certain time of the day or week to read our Bibles, or even wait until we attend a class. Todays verse says; when we sit in the house... when you walk by the way... when you lie down... when you rise up... It would seem here that all of the nutrients necessary for a well fed soul are not only available 24/7, but should be utilized at all times. Jesus lived and breathed this teaching. There were times that Jesus taught in the temple or in a synagogue, but truth be told, He taught people wherever He ran into them... Do you remember when He taught by a river? Did He do some teaching at a well? Did He teach at a dinner table or in a boat? How about that time that He taught thousands of folks on a hillside... Can you think of anything you use throughout the day as much as Jesus used the scriptures? Did you say your cell phone? Do you check it and use it at all times of the day and evening? What about if we read about, talked about, thought about, taught about the Bible as much as we used our phones? Just a bit of nourishment for thought. We wouldnt want to miss a chance to feed our soul, would we? Have a great start to your week... Begin it with a RAK or two... Love mark Phil.4:11
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:33:46 +0000

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