A Word Of Caution About Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, And Marco Rubio I - TopicsExpress


A Word Of Caution About Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, And Marco Rubio I explain why I sincerely think any of those guys would be a bad idea. Fred Weinberg — March 14, 2014 Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are flaming stars in the Republican Party right now. The Tea Party folks want—desperately—for one of them to become the Party’s nominee in 2016. Any of those guys would be a bad idea. Not because of their political ideas. I agree with most of them. But because—in the parlance of Oklahoma oilmen—none of them have peed a drop. They are all first term United States Senators. Just like Barack Hussein Obama was. And just how has the Presidency worked out for Obama? These guys say great things. They know how to use their oratory to sweep crowds up in their enthusiasm. Just like Obama. Different words. Different ideas. But the same methods. So far, all that proves is that a well-used tongue can get you elected President before you’re ready. Show me anything in any of those guys’ background that shows they are any more ready than Obama was to become President and that they would do any better job. They are Senators. A Senator is basically Bill O’Reilly without an audience, power, and a $20-million a year paycheck. Historically, they make lousy executives because they spend their days and nights bloviating and fundraising but not doing anything of real substance. It doesn’t matter whether or not you say the right things. A self-professed conservative who has no experience or skill is just as dangerous in the White House as a socialist like Obama. If Ted Cruz really wants to be President, he should go back home to Texas, run for Governor, serve eight years, and then come back and tell us that he now has the experience to be President because he has actually run one of the most populous states in the nation. The same holds true for Paul and Rubio. Being a first term Senator who says all the right things is NOT a qualification for becoming President, and Barack Obama has proven that beyond all doubt. If the Republicans want to regain the White House, they need to do what Newt Gingrich did in 1994. They need to have some good ideas, set a legislative agenda to accomplish those ideas, and THEN, use that to convince the voters that they are not the knuckle-dragging Cro-Magnons the Democrats portray them as. The 1994 Contract with America was a brilliant idea. I have not heard a similar idea from any of the front running “candidates” in the last year. If the GOP is serious about 2016, it should look to people who are the grown-ups in the room. People who have spent their careers actually running things. Herman Cain comes to mind. So does Mike Huckabee. How about Susanna Martinez, the Governor of New Mexico? They may not excite you as much as the dynamic trio, but they’ve all done things that would indicate they can become the nation’s CEO—something that requires a completely different skill set than bloviating and fundraising.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:44:14 +0000

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