A Word of Thanks from The Eritrean-Swedish MP Arhe - TopicsExpress


A Word of Thanks from The Eritrean-Swedish MP Arhe Hamednaca September 10, 2010 By Habtom Yohannes Today I spoke to the Swedish Member of Parliament (Social Democrats), Mr. Arhe Hamednaca. He told me that he is overwhelmed with the support he has been receiving in the form of telephone calls, letters, emails and facebook messages from Sweden and all over the world. Since he is in a very busy election campaign for this weekend, he is unable to thank every one of you. He asked me to write this letter on behalf of him and his family. Thank you, thank you, thank you! As you have noticed the PFDJ-system has made Eritrea void of working constitution and parliament. Eritreans at home have become slaves without any rights; slaves of the PFDJ-system. Eritreans cannot elect their own leaders and they cannot run for office. Eritreans, who fled their country, get citizenship and run for the highest office of government: the parliament. Well, courageous and hardworking Eritreans like Arhe did it and was elected to the Swedish national parliament. If I am correct he is the second Eritrean, after our brother Rezene Fessehatsion (fond memories of him as a child in Inda Mariam), to represent all Swedish (including Eritreans and other foreigners who have the Swedish citizenship) people in the Swedish Parliament. What is totally impossible in their home country Eritrea is made possible in their second home country Sweden. This is something to be proud of and thankful for; but, not in the world of PFDJ-dictatorship. While suffocating Eritrea and forcing the Eritrean people to abandon their country (listen on Medrek Radio to the heart-breaking story of 22 years old Merhawit!), PFDJ-agents want also to control Eritreans and, in this case, Swedish of Eritrean origin. PFDJ wants to determine for us what we say, for which office we run and what we do. In the PFDJ-webiste Alenalki, PFDJ-agents, frustrated by what has happened to their representatives in Sweden recently, they have started their defamation campaign against Arhe Hamednaca. Actually the Eritrean regime is interfering directly in the internal affairs of Sweden by giving advice to the people of Sweden (Eritreans who hold Swedish citizenship are Swedish) about Swedish elections. I hope and I am confident Eritreans for justice in Sweden will work hard to expose these activities of the Eritrean regime. And of course I am confident all justice-seeking Eritreans in Sweden (and in the world) will stand as one man/woman behind Arhe Hamednaca. Desperate PFDJ-agents come up always with their outworn smear campaign: “Who is Arhe Hamednaca?” He is a proud Swedish MP of Eritrean origin; he is also a proud Eritrean and someone who has refused to be the slave of PFDJ. Do you want to know more about Arhe, please read the wonderful article Awate wrote about him already in 2010. What can you expect from PFDJ-agents who dance and play on the graves of Lampedusa victims, who work day and night to erase the memories of all the prisoners of conscience in Eritrea; many of them their own comrades? May God open their eyes and give them back their lost humanity? I don’t want to sound preachy but we (all justice seeking Eritreans in Sweden and all over the world) should seize this opportunity to support Arhe Hamednaca & his family in these trying times. I think it is healthier to say now We are Arhe and Arhe is Us.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:28:52 +0000

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