A World of Changes by CmdrAleon and The Ashtar Command-Greetings - TopicsExpress


A World of Changes by CmdrAleon and The Ashtar Command-Greetings Brothers and Sisters as I sit in brief meditation this message was give to me within to share with the whole Planet. As you are aware ,now is a time of great changes upon Earth as you see it happening before your eyes now. On the Earth the patterns of the changes are on every level from your weather patterns to the Human condition and one exists or co exists with others. Your learning quickly that what you see in your media is not always what is happening in real life with Humanity . The media brings a story to you that seems bigger then life itself when in truth.Life is bigger then what is presented on TV. What is happening on earth is bigger then any Government or power that exists today. If you sit quietly you will feel the changes coming through your total being. To sit by a stream,or on a mountain you will feel the changes that are coming. All the frequencies on earth hit you at once.The most important frequency that is above all .Is the frequency of God.That frequency when you tune in is the highest one you can connect with now.From anywhere on the Planet. The changes that are at hand is that God wants you and Planet Earth back in the vibration that this planet was in before the great fall. When you fell .You also had to remember how to get up and learn all over again how to uplift yourselves and the Planet. Now you are doing that one by one and in groups. You play an important role in the transformation of the Earth where you live .From the Middle East to Japan,North South America,Asia everywhere. We ask you to not get hooked into the 3D programs that exist and want to keep you under there control.To keep you separated from each other .This is what created your Wars,Hate and conflicts between all Humans in your past and now. Its time to Unite with all who are here to create a truly New Earth Society based on Universal Understanding an Co operation with one another. Where no land,water or air belongs to any nation . Where all Life is created as equals in Gods Love . Where Universal Language is understood by Humankind . Above all that the changes that are coming ,will be life changing experiences that will go into a new History book written by the New Earth Humanity. This is you .Each of you are writing a new Earth history,a Galactic History. This is unfolding each and every day . I will end this message.This message comes from myself as a representative of The Ashtar Galactic Command also know as The Ashtar Command to many . Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always, CmdrAleon ashtargalacticcommanders.ning/
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:17:33 +0000

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