A World on Life Support Our nation and the world have been on - TopicsExpress


A World on Life Support Our nation and the world have been on life support for many decades. The degradation has reach to such a point that the power cord that has kept the worlds systems dysfunctionally functioning is now chafed and of insufficient gauge to carry the current needed to sustain a sick and dying system. As death pangs begin to set in, so does a numbing of the sensory systems, and depending upon what type(s), composites, and degrees of elements affecting the systems, the actions and reactions will vary tremendously. We watch as the systems of morality are sickened; increasingly people are manipulating, deceiving, plundering, imprisoning, murdering, and destroying others. Patience is but a microcosm of what it once was only a few decades ago. There has developed a hate over any waiting period for anything needed, wanted, or desired. Impatience has given rise to greed, unseasonal fulfillment, murder, theft, and betrayal. Reverential fear of God is sick unto death, as man fears only man. Consciousness of sin is not even an after thought, and the value of life is worth only what the highest bidder will offer. Unless one understands that the LORD God has a Purposive Will and Master Plan for all things; one would believe this world is on autopilot with a destination to nowhere. Well the world is certainly not on autopilot, but the fuel called free-willed choice is being depleted rapidly as the Day of the LORD’S wrath draws nearer. Just as the world in the days of Noah just before the pronounced judgment of a worldwide flood; the world had no direction except a downward spiral into the abyss of destruction. Corruption had already reached its pinnacle, and man’s cup of iniquity was at the brim of overflow. “It is commonly said that there is always hope at the bottom of the glass. How unspeakably sad that we only seem to find and identify hope at the end when hope is throughout the glass” (Trenton Battle). “If we only find hope at the point of cataclysm, we must realize we’ve lost faith from the beginning because faith is the substance of things hoped for” (Trenton Battle). The scales of justice in this world have been covertly, and now overtly corrupted by legislators whose hearts are without equilibrium of love, truth, and wisdom. “When justice serves just-us, WAKE UP, despotism draws near” (Trenton Battle). Christianity and Christ Jesus has become a scourge to the mind and soul when mentioned in any setting (private and public). As death becomes increasing more evident in the fragile house of cards of mans sin sick world; nations of people become increasingly helpless and hopeless. Helplessness and hopelessness of the masses gives rise to proud, arrogant, foolish, and tyrannical rulers. Fearful of death and ruin; the masses surrender the reins of their hearts and wills to pseudo-saviors who desire only to reign to fulfill their noxious and venomous perversions. “The heart that lacks truth is as a wilderness without borders; chaos ensues because nothing exists to govern life” (Trenton Battle). As God’s Time Clock for Grace draw out its final seconds; the Spirit of God takes it return flight back to the Father who sent Him to be a Comforter and Guider. Seldom do man look to the Comforter and Guide to settle and lead them in times of peace or war. As in the days of Noah, man sees very little necessity for God’s Spirit to deliver to him God’s directives, and the only recourse is for the LORD to withdraw His Holy Spirit that removes the girdle of restraining truth. When truth is removed, judgment is loosed upon this world and its inhabitants just as the judgmental waters poured unrestrained upon those of Noah’s generation. The windows of heaven will open to the just and the unjust, and will pour out a blessing or a curse. In Noah’s day the windows of heaven open to send down God’s judgment. A world in the throes of death pangs continuously choose to pervert the light of truth that still remains in operation among the remnant of the Bearers of Light. A faint ray of light is mixed with depths of darkness to produce a sliver of false hope against a towering wall of defeat. The kinds of warnings in messages as this are met with vicious accusations of words and thoughts of pessimism. In truthful reality it is not the words of warning that are pessimistic. The production of feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are what produces pessimism. Though the world outside of us will surely die; the world within us can continue to thrive as we keep the LORD in our temples. God bless you, and remain vigilant and walking in the Light. Trenton Battle
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 08:17:59 +0000

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