A YOUNG FILM MAKER WITH AMBITIOUS BUT VERY SOLID ROCK GOALS... A couple of weeks ago at the local Starbucks, it was my pleasure to make the acquaintance of 23 year old Tyler Slawson. He had contacted me, via Facebook, regarding a film that he was making. Tyler had obtained my name through mutual friend, Donna Champion House, so I readily gave him an audience. He explained that, in essence, his film was about a grieving widow who loses her daughter and is forced to endure the media frenzy that ensues as people begin asking questions. I dont want to say too much about the project because Tylers film goes a bit deeper that just a story line meant to draw the masses in for an over-the-top-special-effect-littered-celluloid experience. He wants his work to convey not only a riveting story but a very large measure of real hope. As I sat visiting with him I found myself very impressed with Tyler Slawson. A lot of people my age are always telling me their concerns about this younger generation. Of course, if well admit it, our generation was under the very same concern by yet another generation....and it goes on and on. I can honestly say that not only do Tyler Slawsons films convey hope, but I walked away from my meeting with him feeling very hopeful for his generation and very proud to be a part of his project.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:14:05 +0000

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