A baby elephant recently experienced the deadly side of nature - TopicsExpress


A baby elephant recently experienced the deadly side of nature after being attacked by a pride of 14 female lions. The story doesn’t turn out all bad, as the elephant soon figures out how to fend off the fearsome beasts and comes out swinging. According to Huffington Post: Nail-biting footage captured at Norman Carr Safaris Chinzombo Camp in Zambia shows the dramatic showdown between a 1-year-old elephant and a pride of 14 hungry lions — and the amazing way the brave baby pachyderm managed to survive. As the New York Post reports, the footage was taken by journalist Jesse Nash, who was out on a game watch with several other companions. When they saw that baby elephant being surrounded by the predators, they decided to begin filming, and they weren’t expecting it to turn out the way it did. As the situations looked dire for the gentle giant at times with lions both atop and latched onto its back legs, its determination paid off. After a short while, the elephant made its way into nearby water, which discouraged the lions and the elephant was able to scare off the lions with an aggressive charge. Although one onlooker can be heard asking, “Where are the other elephants, for God’s sake?,” the calf was eventually reunited with his herd. The elephant has also since been nicknamed Hercules on account of its astounding bravery. Let us know what you thought of the little elephant’s courage in the comments.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:12:54 +0000

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