A balanced heart chakra is a beautiful thing. However, most of - TopicsExpress


A balanced heart chakra is a beautiful thing. However, most of us—at one point or another—will encounter major blockages in this area. A myriad of life circumstances can cause problems for your heart center—from break-ups or health issues to low self-esteem. An unhealthy heart chakra can exhibit many signs and symptoms—including but not limited to being defensive, critical, controlling, suspicious, withdrawn, possessive and afraid of letting go. When in balance an open heart chakra displays acceptance in others, life and yourself. Here are eight easy ways to begin to open your heart. 1. Be green. Get out in nature. Let the varying greens surround you—and begin to heal you. 2. See green. Visualize a strong, clear green light filling up your heart center—located in the center of your sternum and below your shoulder blades. 3. Breathe green. With each inhale imagine your heart center—and possibly the rest of your body—filling up with a soft, green light and with every exhale feel your heart center purge pent-up negativity. Don’t be too forceful on your exhalations. Rather, focus more energy on your positive, “green” inhalation. 4. Be love. Being a martyr is a sign of imbalance for this chakra. Allow yourself to be loved—including, and most especially, by yourself. 5. Give love. One of the best and easiest ways to cleanse and balance this chakra is by loving others unconditionally and unselfishly. 6. The grass isn’t always greener. It’s often human nature to naysay. Resist the urge to find fault in everything. Be thankful for what you already have. 7. Practice yoga. Try camel pose. A blocked heart chakra often means a blocked throat chakra, too, and camel pose balances them both. Focus on elongating your lower back while focusing on the stretch and opening in your upper back. Really let go and feel your heart center lift and open during the pose. 8. Forgive. A lot of blockages in this chakra are fostered by not letting go of past hurts, anger, grief, regret, etc. Let go. If you need professional counseling, putting it off only makes your healing more challenging and prolonged. Take care of yourself and try to also remember that when each door closes a new one opens. Opening the heart chakra after a period of grief or personal struggle is not easy. Be patient and kind to yourself during the process. Letting go of what we don’t need to carry allows us to make room for new and better life opportunities, and learning to embrace and love yourself—for better or for worse—is a great place to begin. Jennifer White
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:55:28 +0000

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