A baronet, a reverend and three gentlemen were presiding at the - TopicsExpress


A baronet, a reverend and three gentlemen were presiding at the petty sessions... George Bartram, plough-man, was summoned for cruelly ill-treating a pig: A lad named Frederick Norwood said he was minding pigs on the road near the allotment grounds in Broadway when he saw Bartram come by with his horses and a dog. When he got to the place where the pigs were, he set the dog on one of them, and the dog worried the pig which at last dropped and died. Bartram then cut the pigs tail off, and cut its ear, and threw the pig into the hedge. Bartram, in defence, said the dog ran after the pig and he tried to get it away but could not.- Fined 6d. and 14s. 6d. costs. William Ashby was charged with cutting furze from Berkhamsted Common, value 3s. 6d: Henry Butterfield stated that he saw Ashby going along by Hill Farm with a donkey load of furze which he took to Northchurch, where he sold it at different houses. Ashby asked whether witness could say where the furze was cut, whether on Dunstable Downs, or on the common, or at any other place? - Witness: I cant tell where it was cut, but I saw you with the donkey cart go across the common. The case was dismissed. (Hertford Mercury and Reformer, Nov 1862).
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:16:33 +0000

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