A beautiful message from an intuitive friend of mine - the same - TopicsExpress


A beautiful message from an intuitive friend of mine - the same friend who I create spiritual gold with...when we combine our intuitive insights and knowledge, and also lift each other up through encouragement and truly "seeing" the other, it is alchemy of the most powerful kind :-) These words were written a few months back, but are for sharing over and over again. Please keep them in mind and heart when joining FB pages, too. Not all spiritual pages have your growth and ascension at heart. The pages I like have been carefully chosen by my higher self, and I often leave pages when I feel that they no longer can lift me up, or vice versa, or when I feel ego has replaced what may have been an initial spiritual concern. I am here to do whatever I can to ensure that everyone KNOWS they are unique, special, and yes, a SHINING STAR. I am not always the best person I can be, but I do know that I will not be a better person if I show others their shadows instead of helping them find and shine their light. And as for competition...pointless! Enjoy: "When we mentor someone, it is about lifting others up as high as we can. While yes they may have needed someone to believe in them to give them a chance, for someone to see in them what they may not have been able to see within themselves. Still because we are human and there are shadows within us because of the world we are living in now and there are certain conditionings that were programmed into us, it may feel that the one we lift up may fly past us and just soar.... WE need to see that this is only an illusion. While the one we lift up takes a HUGE GIANT leap forward in their growth TRUST that we too take a step forward.... though it may not seem that way.... TRUST that it is so.... the reason being because we are always moving forward and upward in our growth and evolution. ALL of us are lifting somone up or we are being lifted up by another.... remember somone lifted you up as high as they could at one time as well. There are those that we will meet on this path that come from FEAR and they CLAIM to be ascended... DO we need to claim who we are??? NO.... because our actions, behaviors and words speak volumes as to who we are. So think on this.... why do others claim I know more, I am more ascended, I am an expert... YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME because I am an expert..... NO... HOGWASH.... We need to listen to our own voice.... our own DIVINE wisdom. I choose to follow the voice within me and the Divine Guidance I receive.... because it is the best guidance for me.... While my words that I speak may not resonate with all that read them or hear them. I do know that we all have our own lessons to learn and to teach others. While yes there are others who INDEED are at a higher ascension... Ask yourself this. Are they willing to lift me up as high as they can? Do they walk their talk? Are they TRULY the Example of what they are saying? And most of all, Are they the example of what or who I want to be and portray out to the world? A red flag that goes up for me is when they say; I am an expert, I know more than you. How does that make you feel? Does it bring you Joy, Peace, Love or a deep sense of knowing? Or does it leave you feeling empty that something is not right or a little off. Do you Notice how people spend thousands of dollars every year going from one expert to another.... one Guru to another Guru...Looking for the Answers and these Experts will tell them what they want to hear.... stroke the persons ego and then still the person feels something is missing and they move onto the next person.... why? Because they are not listening to the voice that is saying.... STOP and LISTEN to ME..... I have learned and this is from my own personal experience to LISTEN with the whole of who I am to all of my Divine Gifts to see and feel how their words resonate within me. There are NO EXPERTS. WE ARE ALL GROWING AND EVOLVING. So remember this.... "When the student is ready, The teacher will appear" But is it to teach you.... or for you to teach them?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 09:09:07 +0000

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