“A better way to learn Internet or Books” When we got old - TopicsExpress


“A better way to learn Internet or Books” When we got old we try to love the books we never before. We listen to classical music so often we like it more than trance now. Probably these elements helped us to realize one thing that true knowledge comes from the books, not from the internet. We felt that by learning anything from the internet, we are missing something. There is something different, something weird in the knowledge we acquire from the web. Maybe it is the glowing screen tiring our eyes, or maybe the overwhelming access to information and other sources of knowledge. True knowledge comes from the books, not from the internet We learn more as compared to books. It depends on the field of study we are in right now; there is so much to learn in a book with different tactics, if you had some questions regarding such problems in the field of mathematics, the internet will not provide you such details to solve it in a way that you want it to comprehend more. Internet will not give you all the details you want to know, yeah, books are costly but we had the library, which can provide us a free of service. Books widen up our own horizons, more vivid details. High technology as if internet provides us details just like in the book, but actually internet will be the fastest way to get an answer but there is more to it, that we want to explore more in a book. Some individual who had problems finding answers to their questions they Google it and not satisfied on some sites...yahoo answers lend you a hand in some ways but not all people here will provide you the right answer, some will give you a different remarks! You dig it yourself and explore and there you can decide which one. Both books and internet widen up our knowledge to learn more about what is surrounds us. It is all up to us so much to learn so much to explore in both with interesting facts. Perhaps in the future, most of the things we need in our field of study will be there all in the so- called advanced high technology. You can totally trust on books because they have a verified source, but that means a cost. The author had to search many facts to write it, and that is why we have to pay for it. In the Internet, you have many sources, not all of them confident, but it has no cost, besides, theres much more information than book. You can also do a quick search for exactly what you want. Sometimes, you spend a lot of money on a book that all the information needed is on single page. Is the Internet melting our brains? By now, the arguments are familiar: Face book is ruining our social relationships; Google is making us dumber; texting is destroying the English language as we know it. We are facing a crisis, one that could very well corrode the way humans have communicated since we first evolved from apes. What we need, so say these proud Luddites, is to turn our backs on technology and embrace not the keyboard. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of humankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, usually, greater magnitude of advantages outweighs its disadvantages. During his evolution journey from Neanderthals to Homo erectus and then to Homo sapiens, man has come long way. Because of his continuous quest for more and more amenities and facilities, the nineties have seen a major turn around with the invention of computers. 10 years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. In addition, today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from news across the corner of the world, wealth of knowledge to shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favorite movie-everything is at your fingertips. Internet has great potential and lot to offer… however, like every single innovation in science and technology, internet has its own advantages like communication, information source, entertainment, email, services, business, e commerce, education and a great source of getting knowledge of every kind. Reading books is a good habit for all. Especially children must cultivate the habit of reading books. The worst thing in the society is ignorance. To survive in this competitive world, everyone should get knowledge on all issues. Therefore, we must be aware of all the realities in life. Naturally, Children like to play. They do not show much interest in reading books. However, in this modern world so many books are especially written for every age personality to entertain and create interest in them. These books are mainly focus on two important things such as entertainment and education. They play an eminent role in entertaining and guiding us into a right path. We prefer the most interesting and interactive stories. While reading these books they do not loose their interest in the middle of the story. So, by considering and keeping this point in the mind books are written to attract the readers. These books are classified into various categories such as traditional books, storybooks and fiction books. Books of knowledge To be successful and knowledgeable, one must study, spending endless hours of research, referencing and reading books or articles. There are tons of books in the market to cater to your needs. One must choose the right type of books to apply to ones interest. However, to be highly successful, one need to have vast knowledge on the interest of the current market or concerned. Books are considered as the best sources of gaining knowledge and wisdom. One can enhance his or her skills and abilities with the help of the books. They are also helpful in improving communication skills and personality of readers. In fact, the readers follow an interesting story with great passion and often find themselves in shoes of the characters present in it. The twists and turns of the tales make a long lasting impact on them. The most common places from where good novels can be availed are the bookstores. The readers go to the nearest book centers and find their choice of novels from there. However, in the modern lifestyle, people find it difficult to visit these stores very often. Sometimes they get irritated if they do not find their favorite books available at the shop. Considering all these factors, the publishing companies have come up with many new ideas and concepts. The rise in internet users has also helped them in the recent times. Now, one can find many online websites from where he or she can avail the best selling novels at reasonable prices. Many other facilities are also offered on these portals. Though Internet has a wide range of knowledge and different aspect of life but this information may is not enough to express ideas as compared to books or libraries. Every kind of information available on internet has less truth-value according to Books available in the library because books in a library are written by professional and experienced writers and authors and is derived from real experience of life. However, we cannot say that all information on internet has real and truth-values. Therefore, in my suggestion books are best companion, and source of information and have great values than information available on internet.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 01:57:21 +0000

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