A bid Thank You to all volunteers who took the time and effort, - TopicsExpress


A bid Thank You to all volunteers who took the time and effort, going the extra mile for us on ECSS Flag Day 2013. Even though we have yet to reach the required amount of as to ballot for 2015s flag day, we appreciate all your hard work and to reward you, here a testimony from us to you, a case by one of our social worker. : ______________________________________________________ Story of T T (10) was diagnosed with ADHD and was referred to the ESU program for counseling and family intervention. T was hyperactive and less organized with his work. Grandparent has a hard time managing and taking care of T due to his hyperactive symptoms. In the family intervention session, caseworker helped grandparents to gain awareness of client’s condition. Apart from knowledge sharing, caseworker also explored other areas of support to help grandparents. One of the supports was to refer client to before-and-after-school care since both grandparent have to work during the day. In the day care centre, client was taught to follow structured routine and to mingle with children of his age (client is the only child at home.) To help client with the adjustment to the day care centre, caseworker helped client to be familiarize with the setting, to gain awareness of his ADHD conditions and taught client on social and academic skills during the individual counseling sessions. With the help of the individual and family intervention sessions, and together with the assistance and supervision of the day care centre teachers, grandparents were able to better manage T. Feedback from school teacher and grandparents, T has improved in his behavior and academic performance. T was awarded with the most improvement award in the school last year. Indeed, the all-rounded supports given by the school, day care centre and En Community Service Society have benefited T and his family. _______________________________________________________ Our work is only possible because of your continuous support, be it in physical or monetary support. So once again, Thank You. :)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 06:09:58 +0000

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