A big thank you goes out to all of you that want to educate your - TopicsExpress


A big thank you goes out to all of you that want to educate your fellow 2nd amendment enthusiasts on how we can support it the right way. shotinthedark.info/wp/?p=39619 This is actually a blog from a guy in Minnesota, but he does an incredible job of breaking down the way Iowa Gun Owners works in the capitol. E.g. they wait for a gun bill is just about ready to pass the legislature, then at the last minute they get a lawmaker to attach an amendment for something like Constitutional Carry. The rest of the legislators then think this is a bait and switch and vote against the original gun bill. So now the original gun bill, and Constitutional Carry are both dead, and IGO sends out a flurry of emails saying Look how many legislators are anti-gun! We need you to donate $250, $100, $50 or $35 TODAY to help fight these anti-gunners! When in reality IGO are the ones who effectively killed both bills. The link above is a perfect example of this, and it happens almost ever year. https://youtube/watch?v=hGT_B7a5yr8 YouTube clip of Iowa legislator Matt Windschitl calling out IGO for trying to claim credit for a bill they did zero work on. This is another thing they do regularly. Then if/when the bill passes, they send out a flurry of emails saying their hard work paid off, and then ask for more donations. theiowarepublican/2014/kevins-korner-delegate-debacle-igos-flip-flop-and-bring-on-the-global-warming/ About half way down article the Iowa Republican calls out IGO for flip flopping on legalizing suppressors. Early in the 2014 legislative session IGO sent out an email saying that legalizing suppressors are just a distraction and essentially a waste of time. Then once the bill showed signs of strong support, and looked like it had a chance of getting passed, they sent out another email claiming credit for all the progress being made. Then in the same email they were pleading for more donations -- are you seeing the common trend here? coolice.legis.iowa.gov/Cool-ICE/default.asp?Category=Lobbyist&Service=DspReport&ga=83&type=b&hbill=SF2379 This is the list of who lobbied for and against Shall Issue when it was signed into law in 2010. IGO makes it sound like they brought Shall Issue to Iowa. But in reality, they actively lobbied against SF 2379 (Shall Issue), and the list proves it. Notice on the bottom that IFCs 4 volunteer lobbyists are the first names on the list. theiowarepublican/2013/kevins-korner-big-liberty-busted/ A few years ago Iowa legislator Kent Sorenson was arrested for his involvement in a presidential campaign scheme in which he flipped from being a paid staffer for the Michelle Bachmann campaign to the Ron Paul campaign, the real issue however is that Sorenson stole a list of home school families form another Bachmann staffer before going, then gave that list to the Paul campaign. What does this have to do with IGO? Well, prior to his arrest Sorenson was the IGO poster child in the Iowa legislature. Every bill they wanted to introduce, they sent it through him. Even worse, when Sorenson flipped from the Bachmann to Paul campaign, it was Aaron Dorr, president of IGO who negotiated the deal that brought Sorenson to the Paul campaign. Politics aside, this is some shady business practices. You are the company that you keep as they say. Also, since his arrest Sorenson has been placed on parole, hes also failed his court ordered drug tests like 3 times. Classy... ar15/forums/t_8_42/569658_IGO_gets_caught_in_biggest_lie_yet___.html The guys over in the Iowa section of AR15 have done a great job of keeping tabs on IGOs questionable activites. This particular thread proves that emails that appear to come from legislators in support of IGO, are simply written by Aaron Dorr. Whats hilarious about this one, is that IGO screwed up and sent this email from Kent Sorensons account AFTER hed been long since removed from the Iowa legislature. The running hypothesis is that Dorr has a small number of these legislators emails and stationary on file and didnt double to check to make sure he was sending this fundraising email as the right person. I just find it funny that he sent it from the thoroughly disgraced Kent Sorenson.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:22:51 +0000

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