A bit of reflecting tonight… I was born in 1950, smack in the - TopicsExpress


A bit of reflecting tonight… I was born in 1950, smack in the middle of the century Today I consider myself so lucky to have been born at that time. When I was a kid we had a black and white tv, 3 channels and us kids were the remote control. Dad would say please change it to channel 3, we would get up and change it. We would also all sit at the dinner table and talk about our day. Mom knew just what us kids were doing. When I was a kid in school we would duck and cover in case of an nuclear attack. When I was 14 the Beatles hit and with them poured tons of great music. Woodstock, hippies, the best fashion, the love generation and all kinds of experimentation. We worried about the Viet Nam war, the draft, equality for all peoples, and womens rights. We protested things that were unjust and wrong. We were a thinking generation. We had the best music and everything was new and exciting. Experimentation was an everyday event. Art, poetry, music and Being Here Now was how we lived. We saw the first moon landing, a president assassinated, color tv, transistor radios, the computer, cell phones, and on and on. Things kept getting smaller and faster. Dont get me wrong, I love technology but I love the simple things, the pure things. I love computers and the fast life, I am a city girl at heart, but I also love the slower times of just being in the moment and savoring every minute. I am lucky in a lot of respects. I am an artist, a wife, a friend and hopefully a good human being. I have lived my life exactly how I wanted to. Just wanted to put this out there cause I am feeling very lucky to be me at the moment. Life is good.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 23:05:00 +0000

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