A black Boer is a black man who is committed to sustaining the - TopicsExpress


A black Boer is a black man who is committed to sustaining the apartheid capitalist system, who would do anything in his power to please the Boers even if it means sacrificing his own black brothers. The quest of a black Boer is to sustain or even develop the white capitalist system so as to continue with its unscrupulous oppressive attitude towards the black majority. They occupy positions of power and help the white capitalist to continue squeezing out all resources of the state for the benefit of the minority white households siting somewhere in London. They fight tooth and nail to sustain their petty bourgeoisie class position and to serve as lap dogs of the Western capitalist and they vehemently “deal” with anyone who seeks to mobilise the society against their tendencies using all available state machinery. They survive through the remains from their white brothers and to them this makes them think that they are enjoying an equal share to the country’s fortunes while they are getting just pieces from a mercy of their fellow white brothers. When you analyse their tendency you will realise that it is very identical to the Boers’s apartheid system. They are very intolerant, they deal with anyone who proves to be a treat to their gravy train like I have already alluded to, if you don’t believe, check what happened in Marikana when innocent workers who work very hard to produce wealth for the European Anglo bosses demanded just a living wage and they were responded to with machine guns (Zuma’s favourite) and brutally killed and the black Boers were in the centre of our black brothers’ killings. If you don’t believe, ask Cyril The-Buffalo Ramaphosa. We know these tendencies from an apartheid system and it did not surprise some of us because apartheid capitalism still prevails in our country in a form of this nonsensical petty bourgeoisie democracy rooted in neo-liberal tendencies and killing of black people in a racist neo-liberal system like ours is the order of the day. They do all this to please the Western monsters and to assure them that their economy is safe in the hands of the new Boers, the black one. The problem with these black Boers is that they tend to speak a rhetoric that easily entice illiterate electorate. They always indoctrinate the people with their struggle credentials and how they fought to “end” an oppressive regime but in actual fact, they never ended any “oppressive regime”. They mislead the people into believing that one day they will lead the country into true liberation of the majority while they continue to shift towards the right day by day and thereby alienating themselves from the struggle of true liberation of the majority. They are too conservative, whenever you speak fundamental shift and complete destruction of white neo-liberal racist relations in the means of production, they quickly speak the language of the oppressor, and they tell you about “investors” and “sanctions”. They oppose any kind of fundamental change because that will sacrifice their class position and take all the fortunes they have and redistribute them to the suffering majority. SO IN FINAL ANALYSIS, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I say Zuma and his ANC cronies, together with the former Communist Party of SA fit in very well in the category of black Boers. If you don’t believe, do your extensive homework. CAN WE REALLY ENTRUST THE BLACK BOERS WITH POSITIONS OF POWER? These people ought to be chased away by the society wherever the society sees them because they are a treat to humanity. They are a barrier to a true liberation of the suffering black majority, they have proven beyond doubt that they don’t care about the plight of the people but all they care about are their big pockets and their families and friends. In the positions of power we need servants of the people not people’s traitors. In Leninist literature we call their tendency Falls Consciousness, they posit themselves as a very conscious group of people who understand the plight of the people and what should be done about it, yet in action they act in complete opposite. We shall never entrust these people with power for we will never gain actual liberation of the majority under their leadership. They have been subsumed into the tendencies of the bourgeoisies apartheid, they continue to embezzle money intended for the development of socio-economic conditions of the suffering masses, they continues the maintain the same oppressive bourgeoisies structure across all segments of our society, they continue subjecting a black child to poor education and continuous education mass riots, they continue channelling raw material, raw gold, raw platinum, raw iron ore etc to their feeders in America and London instead of developing capacity for massive industrial development which will see us producing these resources into final commodities and therefore creating more jobs in the mineral sector, they continue paying billions to people who stole our land, they continue to undermine the African liberation agenda hence they voted with the West to torn Libya Asunder. These people are really not one of our own, I wonder why some of you will vote them back into power!! WHAT SHOULD FIGHTERS DO NOW? What Marx teaches us is an art of analysing and understanding how the capitalist system operates and how we should expose its pitfalls at all given time. He teaches us that it is only through mobilising for hegemony of the oppressed proletariat and the peasants towards overthrowing the oppressive capitalist system that the black Boers can be defeated. Our duty is very humungous, we have a duty to penetrate down to the most remote peasant, to the industrial labour and the progressive intelligentsia etc and mobilise them behind our agenda for a true liberation of our people and save them from the black Boers tendencies. We need revolution!!! These are my personal views, they are not that of EFF. I write on my personal capacity. I call Zuma and his ANC cronies are BLACK BOERS on my personal capacity.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:35:35 +0000

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