A blog post from one of Mitchells friends... Whatever keeps you - TopicsExpress


A blog post from one of Mitchells friends... Whatever keeps you up at night: Friday, March 28, 2014 3/28/14 -Im glad everyone is alive. Today started kind of bad I guess. People over use the words horrible or terrible. Theres never been a day that really qualifies as that. Not for us at least. I missed breakfast and I had to go to algebra. Not terrible. In the moment, it seems like that. It wasnt until I heard from someone that my friend was getting out of the hospital, that the world was put in perspective. Really, if you think about it, nothing is really that bad. People just forget to look at the good things, and express the love that is around them. People are always focused on the inconveniences of the extremely convenient lives they have. I think Id wake up every morning with out breakfast if I got good news like that every morning. Hell, Id even skip lunch. I was so happy I forgot about my hunger. The whole week I was so scared he might die, or that he might have to live with something thatd change his life forever. I guess being put in the hospital in the first place already changed his life. Theres always someone who has it harder. Not to disclaim any issues the average person has, but theres always someone to help and think about. You dont have a long enough life to fit cynicism and hate in, when youve got so much to love. So many people forget about the little things. Do you remember when you were a kid and when it rained, you go and play in the down pour? Remember watching water droplets hit the puddles for hours? Remember the smell after a storm in the summer? Or are you inside reading this post? Guilty as charged, Im sitting at my computer typing it. However, I havent neglected the beauty of how the sun light pierces right through the clouds after a long winter. I am constantly humbled by the raw power of a storm, and the ferocity of the sea. I havent forgotten about the bugs and the birds, and that feeling after running so hard you want to sleep for days. The point is if you forget about these things, if you forget about why its good to be alive, you only focus on why its bad to exist. Thats not a way to live. You have to stop existing and start living. Im tired of apathy and indifference. Theres too many people who just push everything under the rug and dismiss it as taboo. I want to talk about how afraid I am of my friends dying. I want to worry and love because that reminds me that Im human. Im not gonna hide from the criticism of the cold, because I want to be the warm orange-yellow light that shines over everyone. I am a thinker of tender thoughts. Granted, Im not a saint, but love sets you free. That could be any kind of love. You have to, and I mean have to, tell the people that you love, that you love them. Scream it at them. One day you wont get to. After having four other of your friends die, maybe youll think like I do. -Although if you find it easier to hide, if you find it easier to fake it, then Im not gonna stop you. I dont have the time or resources for that. What I am going to do, is go hug my friend harder than Ive ever hugged another person in my life, because I cant afford not to. Thanks, -KH Kele Heart at 3:33 PM Share
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 00:14:10 +0000

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