A bookend of a post today, starting with something I read this - TopicsExpress


A bookend of a post today, starting with something I read this morning and something Ive just watched this evening but both really speaking to me. The first is about trust - an email from Curvy Yoga (curvyyoga) included the below quote... Most Intimate: A Zen Approach to Life’s Challenges by Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara. “This process of stilling the mind [through meditation] and opening the heart brings a great feeling of ease that courses through the body, releasing the sensation of holding back, of fragility or tightness, and freeing us to work with the challenges of life. I call that true intimacy. When we can actually feel what we are feeling, experience what we are experiencing, and recognize what we are thinking, then we become intimate with ourselves. This intimacy is a closeness, a quality of interiority, a nearness. To be intimate with yourself is to be so attuned to your own feeling-state and mind-state and perception-state that nothing is hidden, your whole being is available to your life. In this intimacy with self, we begin to recognize the habits of thinking that stop us from living confidently, generously and vigorously. And we begin to trust ourselves.” I know that I am sometimes really bad at truly listening to myself and trusting myself. I know that resistance is where the good stuff lies but sh*t me is it hard to recognise yourself some days. Trust in your wisdom that you know yourself better than anyone or anything else. Trust. Acknowledge the challenge of life, because it isnt supposed to be easy breezy. And sometimes we f*ck up and make a big old mess. Which I guess leads into the video from the ever brilliant Marie Forleo that I just caught up on about coming back from failure. I feel that I have failed a number of times in my life and that isnt a bad thing, but people take it in very different ways; lessons, re-routes etc hell there is even a sodding hashtag for it now! However these wise words from Dr Cathy Collautt hits the proverbial nail on the also proverbial head...you can choose to regret trying or applaud yourself for giving it a shot. Reminds me of another favourite of mine, Brene Brown, that simply by being in the ring we are all worthy of respect because we were brave enough to through our hat in. Bask in your brilliance today that you showed up, no matter what you did. And remember to trust that you did it because you knew that it was the thing you had to do right now. https://m.youtube/watch?v=n4gK8vZlXW0
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:55:52 +0000

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