A boy and a girl had been in love for about a year. it was now - TopicsExpress


A boy and a girl had been in love for about a year. it was now 8th grade and they knew that they would be going to different high schools and wouldnt see each other, at least for a long time. They were sitting on a park bench on their last day together. The girl drew a heart on a piece of paper. This is my heart, she said, as long as you keep it, you will still love me. I promise to keep it forever. he said in return. I will always love you even if we go our separate ways. So they departed, and the boy kissed the girl on the cheek whispering, I promise. and walked away. Two years passed and the girl had a boyfriend who was a Quarterback on the football team. The boy had never found another girl as perfect as his first love. The girl was walking in the mall as she spotted the boy. She called out his name and they walked up to each other. How are you! she asked Fine how about you? Good. I have all As, I made the varsity volleyball team, and I have an amazing boyfriend on the football team. Oh, he responded, do you still love me? Well, how can I love you when I havent talked to you in two years? Its possible, he was thinking of how he had loved her, even though they hadnt talked in two years, well, here, take my number. Text me sometime. Ok I will! I miss you. I miss you, is what he wanted to say but it came out more like, I love you. She looked at him as though he was a maniac and walked away awkardly. She didnt text him, because she thought he was crazy for still holding on to a love that was already lost. Two weeks later, she walked in the door after a long day of school and volleyball practice. Her mom asked to talk to her. So, do you remember the boy you liked in 8th grade? Of course mother, he was my first love. Well, his mom came over today asking for you. It turns out the boy kept leaving the house at odd times at night to sit on their front porch and stare into the street. After about a week of doing this, he went and sat by the curve. And just when his parents were going to tell him to come inside, a drunk driver swerved and hit him. In his pocket they found this... She pulled out the drawing of a heart that the girl had drawn at the park 2 years ago. I drew this... She said tears filling her eyes. and he kept it. Wait, mother, did he ever move houses in the past few years? Not that I believe. The girl got up and locked herself in her room. She started crying and couldnt stop. The place where they had shared their first kiss was on that curve outside his house at an odd hour in the middle of the night. He had also kept the heart, which meant he still really cared about her. He was not some weirdo stalker who held on to a lost love. He was a boy that was heart-sick. The next day , as she was walking to school she saw the boys mother, walking and crying. Hi. Do you remember me? Me and your son went to school together in 8th grade. How could I forget you dear, he talked about how one day you two would get married almost every day since. The girl started crying once again. How could she have been so cruel to forget about a boy who was still in love with her? The mother handed her a note. I found this on the front of his binder while I was going through his school stuff. It is for you. I am really sorry about his death. I am too. I should be going. Goodbye. Bye. The girl heard her crying as she walked away. The girl waited unitl that night to read the note, but when she opened it it read: DEAR MY TRUE LOVE, I am sure you remember our first date. I still dwell on the moment of you laughing about my weird hobbies, and I am amazed that you loved me anyway. I know you still remember our last date. When you handed me the heart and told me to keep it as long as I loved you. Well I still have it. I have kept it in my pocket for 2 years now. I still love you. I know it was awkward when we met again. I am sorry we havent been able to talk. And the day I realized that you were not going to text me I started starring from my porch to the curb where we shared our first kiss. Dont you remember that sweety? Now I have been sitting there, on the curb, reliving the memory in my mind. I always love you, I promise. And the girl didnt cry this time. Either she was too sad to cry, in shock, or had no more tears to run down her face. How had she let him go that easy. She thought that they would forget about each other and move on. She did, but he never did. That is called LOVE. Its Yoboi MOREFUN.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:02:36 +0000

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