A breakdown of where the casino money was spent.... 2014 - TopicsExpress


A breakdown of where the casino money was spent.... 2014 Budget-for portion of debt, Loss of taxes from Casino area & Police & Fire, Econ Develop $5,189,834.00 12/15/13 2014 Budget appropriation-ZOOM Team (approval is the 2014 Budget adoption date) $196,000.00 12/15/13 2014 Budget appropriation-Grant Writer Consultant (approval is the 2014 Budget adoption date) $35,000.00 12/15/13 2014 Budget appropriation-Police Ranger Program (approval is the 2014 Budget adoption date) $30,000.00 12/15/13 2014 City Wide Tree Removal/Replacement Program $92,495.00 1/21/14 2014 Budget appropriation-Engineering Consultants on an as needed basis $94,000.00 1/21/14 2014 Train Station Phase III (80% Reimbursable) $350,000.00 1/21/14 2014 Street Construction-Cold Patch $90,000.00 1/21/14 2014 Fire Department-Small Equipment $11,907.00 2/3/14 2014 Fire Administration Building $33,899.00 2/3/14 2014 New Jerusalem Center $40,000.00 2/3/14 2014 Ice Pavilion Phase IV - Consultant for existing locker rooms $94,500.00 2/19/14 2014 Police Department Computers $42,250.00 2/19/14 2014 Police Department -Miscellaneous equipment $40,100.00 2/19/14 2014 Fire Department-Thermal Imaging Cameras $34,644.00 2/19/14 2014 Community Development Demolitions $366,822.00 2/19/14 2014 Pot Hole Killer-rental of equipment $105,000.00 3/3/14 2014 Police Equipment-Narcotics Division $341,266.00 3/3/14 2014 LaSalle Facility-update all electrical fixtures that are outdated $2,494.00 3/3/14 2014 Carnegie Bldg.-Ceiling replacement $4,988.00 3/3/14 2014 Police Criminal Intelligence Department Equipment $63,350.00 3/17/14 2014 Code Enforcement-9 Ford Escapes for Department (purchase) $210,595.00 3/17/14 2014 Niagara Falls Memorial Center-Stroke Unit Renovations $250,000.00 3/17/14 2014 Highland Community Revitalization Committee Job Training-Isaiah 61 Project $10,000.00 3/17/14 2014 ZOOM additional temporary staff needed for season (wages plus fringe) $14,641.00 3/17/14 2014 Police Safe Neighborhood Patrols (S.N.A.P.) $135,450.00 3/31/14 2014 DPW In-House Road Reconstruction-Materials $500,000.00 3/31/14 2014 DPW Road Reconstruction/Openings-addl materials for Zipper Machine $185,000.00 3/31/14 2014 Clean Neighborhood Team-addl Temporary Staff needed $75,355.00 3/31/14 2014 DPW Seasonal Road Crew staff $150,617.00 3/31/14 2014 Police Traffic/Communications Department Equipment $105,300.00 3/31/14 2014 DPW-City wide sidewalk replacement program $400,000.00 3/31/14 2014 Fire Department-Small Equipment $19,581.00 3/31/14 2014 Fire Hall-10th Street Flooring $9,500.00 3/31/14 2014 New Parking Lot at Griffon Boat Launch $132,700.00 3/31/14 ?2014 Consultant for Downtown Parking Plan $65,100.00 3/31/14 2014 Train Station Phase III (80% Reimbursable) $4,480,000.00 4/14/14 2014 Consultant for LaSalle Waterfront & Griffon Park Signage $7,320.00 4/14/14 2014 Niagara Military Affairs Council $40,000.00 4/14/14 2014 Police-Administration Equipment $88,950.00 4/14/14 2014 Downtown Landscaping for Medians & Traffic Circle $57,397.00 4/14/14 2014 NYS Brownfield Opportunity Area Grant for Buffalo Ave. Industrial Corridor-Matching funds $44,848.00 4/14/14 2014 Buffalo Niagara Enterprise Membership $50,000.00 4/14/14 2014 Bright fields Construct Playground Equipment @ former Center Court playground $250,000.00 4/14/14 2014 Police-additional overtime during summer tourism season $26,913.00 4/28/14 2014 Library door replacement (addl funds needed over approved grant) $2,100.00 4/28/14 2014 Parking Ramp-Fire Protection System Improvements $25,500.00 4/28/14 2014 Additional funds for Modern Disposal Contract 5/1/2014-12/31/2014 $284,622.00 4/28/14 2014 Ice Pavilion Phase IV - Construction for renovations on old locker rooms (partial expense) $300,000.00 4/28/14 2014 NCCC Culinary Project - additional costs owed by City (not reimbursed by USA Niagara) $278,290.00 4/28/14 2014 Garbage totes & Recycling totes (50% for cost of Recycling totes should be reimbursed) $2,214,449.00 4/28/14 2014 Drainage Structure Replacement/Repairs $226,850.00 4/28/14 2014 Fire Rescue Apparatus Truck $600,619.00 4/28/14 2014 Fire Hall-#8 Hyde Pk & #9 Boiler-New Door replacements $6,890.00 5/12/14 2014 Fire Hall #8-New Generator $2,784.00 5/12/14 2014 City Wide Tree Removal/Replacement Program (addl funds needed) $100,000.00 5/12/14 2014 Whirlpool Little League-Capital Improvements at Deveau Woods State Park $10,000.00 5/12/14 2014 Hyde Park Golf Course Club House Roof $250,000.00 5/27/14 2014 Fire Buildings-Diesel exhaust system $29,060.00 5/27/14 2014 DPW SWEET Program Pilot Plan-(temporary & operational costs) $58,558.00 5/27/14 2014 Inter-Municipal Agreement with Niagara County for Parking Lot (Portage & 11th St) City Share $84,000.00 5/27/14 2014 Buffalo Avenue Streetscaping-NYS DOT (Citys Match to be reimbursed with Greenway funds) $100,000.00 6/9/14 2014 Highland Ave. Park-Environmental Protection Fund Grant (Citys Match) $300,000.00 6/9/14 2014 LaSalle Library-Energy efficient side door (50% Grant Match) $10,000.00 6/23/14 2014 Tree Stump Removal Plan $59,257.00 6/23/14 2014 Used Fire Ladder Truck $40,000.00 6/23/14 2014 Community Missions-funding for Crisis and Kitchen Programs $150,000.00 7/7/14 2014 Resurfacing of Parking Lot #5 Cleveland & Niagara Avenues $172,340.00 7/7/14 2014 Carnegie Bldg.-Roof Replacement $659,810.00 7/7/14 2014 DPW Equipment-2 single axle trucks & 1 tandem truck $551,600.00 7/14/14 2014 Consultant for Ice Pavilion Ice Redox project (Construction Admin/Design) $175,000.00 7/21/14 2014 Fire Hall-New Garage Door Opener for 320 Hyde Park Blvd. $1,830.00 7/21/14 2014 Police-New vehicles: Animal Control, Marked & Unmarked $332,100.00 7/21/14 2014 Parks-New AED Defibrillator & Portable Public Access System $2,636.00 7/21/14 ?2014 Fire Hall - 11th and Ontario Ave. Building Repairs $42,550.00 7/21/14 2014 City Hall Parking Lot (reconstruction & resurfacing) $468,720.00 8/14/14 2014 Police & Fire E911 Equipment $13,456.00 9/15/14 2014 Fire Halls Equipment $26,400.00 9/15/14 2014 Isaiah 61 Project 3721 Highland Avenue Fire Hall Renovation $500,000.00 9/15/14 2014 Mooradian Drive Reconstuction Fashion Outlet Blvd. and 70th Street $508,631.00 9/15/14 2014 USA Niagara Payment-for the Conference Center $1,500,000.00 9/29/14
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:07:22 +0000

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