A case study? or is it a prediction?? 2001: Al-Qaeda attacks - TopicsExpress


A case study? or is it a prediction?? 2001: Al-Qaeda attacks the World Trade center, and NATO invades Afghanistan. 2003: USA invades Iraq, and together with the invasion of Afghanistan this makes the middle east even more suspicious towards the US and the rest of the western world. 2007: A financial crisis hit the world, and leaves Europe and North America weaker than before. China however, grows stronger, and most countries are by now depending on Chinese production. 2010: The Arab Spring changes the government of several Middle-eastern and North African countries, and gives more space for radical Islamic extremists. 2014: Russia annex Krim in Ukraine, which troubles Russias relationship with Nato and the West. 2018: Greece and Spain are still struggling majorly economical, and EU decides to throw them out of the union. This makes even more unrest, and most of the Balkan soon fall out of the union. Sweden, Denmark and Finland declare independence from the union, and Great Britain are considering it. 2019: A federation of Islamic Terrorist groups seizes control of Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the United Arabian Emirates. They proclaim they have founded a new nation called United Islamic Nations of Allah (UINA). Within a week all countries in the Arabian Peninsula have joined the new nation. 2020: A rebellion by the Muslim brotherhood, makes Egypt also join the UINA. The country declares that “All Islamic Governments true to Allah must join the new nation, or they will be taken over by force.” Soon all of the middle-east and most of North Africa have joined UINA. March 2021: Due to the turbulence in the middle-east, all of its oil-exports are cancelled. This leads to all-time high oil and gas prices, and Oil production in Canada and in the North Sea are expanded. All of NATO’s focus is now on the middle-east in order to open up for oil trade again, and China’s government sees this as an opportunity to expand their borders. They surprise launch an attack on Japan, Taiwan and the whole Korean peninsula. China proclaim that if they surrender, they will be able to take part of the government. They do, and Asian Federation (AF) is founded. NATO tell them that if they keep on with the aggression it will lead to war. UINA declares war on Israel. April 2021: The last NATO military base in the middle-east is captured and UINA is now in control of the entire region (except Israel, who even have expanded). June 2021: With Nelson Mandela’s recent death, the South African government has passed laws redistributing land within its population. It looks to Asia where China have been operating freely without interference from NATO, and decides to follow their example. They attack all their neighboring nations- and also here following China’s example- they declare that if these countries surrender, they will be able to take part of the new government. The new nation takes the name African National Congress (ANC) from Mandela’s original party (ironically). 11th July 2022: UINA officially declares war on NATO, and invades the Balkan Peninsula. All of NATO, although mainly countries in Europe, send troops to the area. The attention of North America however, is soon turned to the other side of the world. 15th July 2022: Russia attacks Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The official reason is because the area is close to become a part of UINA. 19th July 2022: Russia goes out of UN. 23rd July 2022: AF suddenly launch several surprise attacks most of south-east Asia. On the same day they declare war on the USA and invade Alaska. 24th July 2022: All of NATO declares war on AF, and AF declares an alliance with UINA. 25th July 2022: All the targets of AF are conquered, except India who are still keeping on with the resistance. India is attacked by UINA, and now fighting on two fronts. 26th July 2022: USA and Canada goes together and make the United North America (UNA). UNA and EU tell ANC that they will not condemn their expansion if they join the war against UINA. ANC accepts. All of central Africa is about to become one single warfront. 27th July 2022: AF now control about all of Alaska and parts of northwestern Canada. 1st August 2022: Russia declares war on the Western Alliance (by now India, ANC, Israel, UNA, EU and the rest of NATO). They invade all of Eastern Europe, including the Baltics and Poland. EU’s front is now much longer. 2nd August 2022: Russia invades Finland. The other Nordics realize that they are going to be next. They form an alliance called United Nordics (UN), who consist of all the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark), all of their possessions, and Iceland and Finland. Norway, Iceland and Denmark were the last members of NATO who were not a part UNA or EU, and NATO is now completely broken up. Instead there is the Western Alliance. Sweden is now also a part of the war, even though they used to be completely neutral. 3rd August 2022: Vladimir Putin (still the leader of Russia) declares that they are allied with AF and UINA. AF also declares war on Australia and New Zealand. These countries follow the examples of others and form an alliance simply called Oceania. The sides are now made, and the dice is rolled. How will the war turn out? Will the western dominance of the world finally end? Will AF make the classic mistake of having too many fronts?
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 06:14:57 +0000

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