A childhood song frequented my mind this week…a part of which - TopicsExpress


A childhood song frequented my mind this week…a part of which goes like this, “when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I’m feeling sad. I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don’t feel soooo bad.” Before I discovered my inclusion in the Rest of God, my propensity was that of an adrenaline junky. However, the rush of fight or flight experiences bled into my relationship with God. Although I had encountered the One who knew me and called me by name, I was circumvented by religious instruction. This left me caught in the laborious activity of yearning for the next wowing, revelatory moment, because it soothed the savage beast. Truth is… I still find myself occasionally slipping into a state of unrest. It can be a scary place. But does it have to be and why does it happen? Vivid in my childhood memories is a time when I misunderstood the counsel of my grandmother (not an uncommon occurrence, LOL). I wanted to continue to play in the rain. She said my brothers and I must come in. Rather than just trust her judgment, I asked WHY? What I “heard” in response was, “if the lightening shines on you, you will die.” Being the mother hen that I was, I immediately gathered my brothers and we hid behind the recliner positioned perfectly in a dark corner of the room. I staged the area with material to occupy our minds as we waited out the storm. That night the storm intensified. To the right side and foot of my bed loomed four very large windows and the curtains suddenly thinned against the luminous, loud lightning bolts that ripped across my room. How will I get to safety? Surely my grandmother must know the secret because she is now old. I hid under the covers while I laid out my plan. First, roll down beside the bed, dragging the covers along as protection. Ikes! What about the monster under the bed? For what seemed an eternity, my little mind was torn between the looming threat of the ogre outside and the ogre under me. Suddenly, there was my grandmother. “It’s okay,” she said, “it is just a storm.” REST! So what is the origin of this unrest as it currently affects the wholeness of my Being? It seems there is a lie at work; a foreign chromosome that engages my conversation as to the origin of my DNA. “Something has slipped into the well and blocked the abundant flow of living water.” it begins. “You must now identify it, break it up and make sure it doesn’t happen again,” it continues while guilt and shame infiltrate. “What shall I do Lord? What shall I do? I’m so tired and heavy laden with this burden dear Lord,” became my prayer. “Be Still and Know That I am God,” His quiet voice gently spoke to my heart as His Presence in my Now disintegrated the lie. Oh yes! There you are Father. Soothing was His truth as He continued, “You don’t draw water from the well, my child. I AM the Well…a well that dug through impermeable strata into a strata that receives water from a higher altitude so there would be pressure to force the water to flow upward. Be Still and Know That I Am God! Only then, in the stillness of Now can you know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. Selah
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:54:53 +0000

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