A church is supposed to be a assembly of believers that work - TopicsExpress


A church is supposed to be a assembly of believers that work together as one body, the eye cannot tell the brain it doesnt need it. God gave people gifts and will give gifts of the Spirit and callings, and these believers are to work together as one body and test eachother with the Word of God. A church is supposed to be 100% full of believers not unbelievers, we are not to fellowship with unbelievers, so how is it that the modern church is full of unbelievers? Because of greed and pride, they want to boast about how many they had in the congregation today, the believers are supposed to go out into the world and preach the gospel in demonstration of the Power of the Holy Spirit, truth is many professing christians are ashamed of the gospel they do not want to appear different to the world so they would rather sit there and be fed by a pastor doctrines of man that make them feel comfortable instead of preaching to the lost. The church needs to return to the book of acts and they need to look at the whole bible as one unified Whole not dispensations. They have turned the pastor into a pope who cannot be tested and is to be held above the Word of God this is blasphemous and then they put them on a stage above the congregation like a goat on a mountain..... This is conditioning of the harlot church to get people ready to merge with the Catholic church...
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:37:08 +0000

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