A civilisation, in real sense of the term consists not in the - TopicsExpress


A civilisation, in real sense of the term consists not in the multiplication but in deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants. Industrialisation on a mast scale would necessarily lead to passive or active exploitation of the villagers as a problem of corruption and marketing come in. Nothing should be allowed to be produced by the cities which can equally well be produced by villagers. The proper function of the cities is to serve as clearing houses for village products. Here are more hands than required for the work and therefore the problem is how to utilise the idle hours, they will render unemployed. The concentration of production and distribution in few hands privilege oriented monopoly. The industrialisation must not deprive people from environment, must but must in village artisan to reduce his drudgery and improve his efficiency. This is the answer to the concentration industrialisation in the cities having no air to breathe at Delhi 460 S.P.M level ,Calcutta 460 S.P.M level 350 S.P.M level each. Justice H.R. Khanna, when appointed as commission of inquiry in the year 1967 in respect of the matter relating to the charge of corruption against the minister’s of Orrisa including three Chief ministers, one of whom was Biju Patnaik while dealing with 70 charges of corruption levelled against them, was faced a situation dealing with the arguments advanced on behalf of two ex chief ministers, that there was no prescribed code of conduct for the ministers to held them guilty of impropriety, that ministers cannot use their officer or allow them to be used for furthering the business interest of his family members to have commercial dealing with the State as they themselves never passed orders in respect of such transactions. Justice Khanna observed that a person on being a minister becomes the custodian of the public interest. Thus he should so formulate his politics and his activities that there is no possibility of the clash between his personal interest and the public interest. The role of minister has got to be that of pioneer rather than a pirate, of the public to sentinel rather than of self seeks of one dedicated to the public cause and not one obsessed with the desire of personal gain -- -- what is needed is a climate of strong public opinion where in none may dare to deviate from the path of rectitude . Law can punish only occasional lapses quoting a classic passage of judge hand. I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon our constitution, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there no constitution, no law, no court can do much is to help it while it lies that it needs no constitution, no law ,no court , to save it. The question is whether the laws speaking through the authority of the courts to deal with such threat to the security of the state, shall be absolutely silenced and reduced mute spectator because of such threat. The answer has to be given to the public. A raise weary of its own blood shed and diversities should cultivate public opinion which may offer the only chance for the survival of the species. The best guarantee for such situation is good sense of those in power, the vigilance of the people and the pressure of the public opinion. This is an alarming situation which spell out the gravity and further invite peoples co-ordination to formulate public opinion to fight through the policy of non- co-operation which has provided the independence from the British rule by our leader Mahatma Gandhi . Every day that comes and goes, every mile the river flows, says to me and say to you, much there is to learn and do, for the water and the day, noise more will pass this way. Mankind has a habit of surviving worst catastrophes created by its own error or by violent turn of the nature and it must be so if there is any meaning in its existence, if its history and continuous survival is not the accident of a fortuitously self organising chance which it must be a purely materialistic view of the nature of the world. If man intended to survive and carry forward the evolution of which he is at present the head and to some extent of half conscience leader of its march , he must come out of this present chaotic life and arrive at the organised efforts. The ideal situation would be fulfilled by the accomplishment and preservation of the people from its own extinction by the folly committed by his own species. Yogesh Kumar Saxena Advocate, High Court, Chamber No. 139, High Court, H.I.G. 203, Preetam Nagar, Sulem sarai, Allahabad 0532/ 2637720, 2436451, Mobile 9415284843
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 07:01:20 +0000

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