A classic! Yes, from the days when the dial tone was that - TopicsExpress


A classic! Yes, from the days when the dial tone was that growly low-pitched GRRRRR sound (possibly because my phone* was likely connected to a crossbar exchange; the even older but trusty Strowger Directors generated a more purry dial tone AIUI), which always creeped me out a bit, and I was glad to see, I mean, hear, the back of that after the local switch went digital circa 1990/91. * land phone; mobiles did exist and were publicly available since the mid-1980s with the two main UK providers being Cellnet and Vodafone, but mobile phones in those days were the size of large bricks and only affordable by rich yuppies with more money than sense.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:55:42 +0000

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